What is synonyms for prime example

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prime example

/praɪm ˈɛɡzæmpəl/

An ideal or most representative case of a particular type or category.

Synonyms of prime example


Strongest matches:

- epitome

- archetype

- quintessence

- exemplar

- perfect illustration

Weak matches:

- illustration

- specimen

- case

- representative


Strongest matches:

- quintessential

- exemplary

- archetypal

Weak matches:

- characteristic

- typical

- standard


poor example, worst case, inferior example, secondary instance, least representative, marginal example

Usage examples:

1. Air pollution is a prime example of a global environmental problem.

2. The character of Hamlet is a prime example of an indecisive protagonist.

3. The fall of the Roman Empire is a prime example of how even the most powerful empires can crumble.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another way to say 'prime example'?

Another way to say 'prime example' is 'perfect illustration.' This phrase conveys the same meaning of something being an ideal or quintessential instance or case to demonstrate a particular point or characteristic.

Can 'quintessence' be used as a synonym for 'prime example'?

Yes, 'quintessence' can be used as a synonym for 'prime example,' especially in contexts that emphasize the purest or most typical instance of a quality or class. It adds a slightly more poetic or elevated tone to the expression.

Is 'archetype' a suitable synonym for 'prime example' in all contexts?

'Archetype' can be used as a synonym for 'prime example,' particularly in discussions related to idealized or original models from which others are copied. However, its usage is more common in literary, psychological, or philosophical contexts, and may not be suitable for casual or everyday situations.

How does 'epitome' compare to 'prime example' when used in a sentence?

'Epitome' compares closely to 'prime example' and can often be used interchangeably. Both terms refer to a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type. However, 'epitome' might carry a slight nuance of embodying the very essence of that quality more than 'prime example.'