What is synonyms for resilience

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The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or spring back into shape.

Synonyms of resilience


As in ability to return to form after being bent, stretched, or compressed

Strongest matches:

- elasticity

- flexibility

- pliability

- suppleness

- pliancy

Weak matches:

- malleability

- ductility

- adaptability

- plasticity


As in ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like

Strongest matches:

- toughness

- strength

- hardiness

- sturdiness

- robustness

Weak matches:

- spirit

- buoyancy

- fortitude

- vitality

- reboundability

- recoverability


fragility, vulnerability, weakness, brittleness, sensitivity, delicacy

Usage examples:

1. The resilience of the community was evident as they quickly rebuilt their homes after the devastating storm.

2. The resilience of the material made it an excellent choice for outdoor gear.

3. Developing emotional resilience can help individuals better cope with stress and bounce back from difficult situations.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'resilience' that implies the ability to recover quickly?

A common synonym for 'resilience' with this implication is 'elasticity.' It suggests the capacity to return to an original shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed, mirroring the concept of quick recovery in a metaphorical sense.

Is there a synonym for 'resilience' that focuses more on emotional or mental strength?

Yes, 'fortitude' is often used as a synonym for 'resilience' when emphasizing emotional or mental strength. It conveys endurance and the ability to face adversity with courage.

What term can be used interchangeably with 'resilience' in a context of bouncing back from financial difficulties?

The term 'buoyancy' is frequently used in financial or economic contexts to denote the ability to bounce back from downturns or difficulties, making it a suitable synonym for 'resilience' in such discussions.

Can 'tenacity' be considered a synonym for 'resilience'?

Yes, 'tenacity' can be considered a synonym for 'resilience,' especially in contexts that highlight persistence and the refusal to give up despite facing obstacles or setbacks. While 'resilience' emphasizes the capacity to recover, 'tenacity' focuses more on the determination to continue pushing forward.