What is synonyms for show

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A public performance or display intended to entertain or inform an audience.

Synonyms of show


Strongest matches:

- display

- exhibit

- present

- reveal

Weak matches:

- demonstrate

- expose

- unveil

- manifest

- illustrate


Strongest matches:

- exhibition

- display

- presentation

Weak matches:

- demonstration

- showcase

- spectacle


hide, conceal, cover, mask, bury, secrete

Usage examples:

1. The magician promised to show us a trick that would leave us in awe, and as he pulled a rabbit out of his hat, the audience erupted in applause.

2. When you show up late for meetings consistently, it reflects poorly on your professionalism and time management skills.

3. Could you show me how to solve this algebra problem? I've been stuck on it for hours.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'show' when referring to displaying or presenting something?

When referring to displaying or presenting something, common synonyms for 'show' include 'exhibit,' 'display,' 'present,' 'demonstrate,' and 'reveal.' Each word carries slightly different nuances, but they all relate to the act of making something visible or known to others.

Can 'illustrate' and 'depict' be considered synonyms for 'show'?

Yes, 'illustrate' and 'depict' can be considered synonyms for 'show,' especially in contexts where visual representation or explanation is involved. 'Illustrate' often implies explaining or clarifying a point by providing a visual example or figure. 'Depict' usually means to represent or characterize something in a picture or through words. While both can convey the act of showing, 'illustrate' is often used in more educational or explanatory contexts, whereas 'depict' is commonly used in artistic or descriptive settings.

Are there any synonyms for 'show' that specifically relate to performances or entertainment?

Yes, in the context of performances or entertainment, synonyms for 'show' include 'performance,' 'production,' 'spectacle,' and 'presentation'. These terms often refer to organized events designed for entertainment, such as theater productions, concerts, or movies, where performers 'show' their talents to an audience.

What synonym of 'show' would be most appropriate for use in a formal business presentation?

In a formal business presentation, 'present' is likely the most appropriate synonym for 'show.' It conveys a sense of professionalism and suggests a structured and deliberate unveiling or demonstration of information, ideas, or products to an audience. 'Demonstrate' can also be suitable, especially when referring to the act of proving the effectiveness or workings of something in a more interactive or practical manner.