What is synonyms for sister

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A female sibling or a woman regarded as a close or lifelong friend, comrade, or ally.

Synonyms of sister


As in family member

Strongest matches:

- sibling

- kin

- blood relative

Weak matches:

- relation

- family


As in religious title

Strongest matches:

- nun

- convent member

Weak matches:

- religious

- Sister of Charity


As in affectionate term

Strongest matches:

- sis

- soul sister

Weak matches:

- companion

- friend


As in feminist or political ally

Strongest matches:

- fellow woman

- sister-in-arms

Weak matches:

- ally

- comrade


brother, enemy

Usage examples:

1. My sister and I have always been close, sharing secrets and dreams as we grew up together.

2. In a convent, a nun may be referred to as 'sister' by her fellow nuns and the people she serves.

3. The concept of sister cities aims to foster cultural and commercial ties between towns in different countries.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'sister'?

Common synonyms for 'sister' include sibling, kin, relative, and family member. When referring to a close female friend or colleague, terms like 'sisterhood' or 'sistren' can also be used in a more metaphorical sense.

Can the term 'sibling' be used interchangeably with 'sister'?

'Sibling' is a more inclusive term that refers to both brothers and sisters, so it can be used when the gender is not specified or when referring to both males and females. However, 'sister' specifically denotes a female sibling, so the terms are not entirely interchangeable.

Is there a difference between 'sister' and 'stepsister'?

Yes, there is a significant difference. A 'sister' shares both parents with you or just one parent (half-sister), whereas a 'stepsister' is a daughter of a stepparent with whom you do not share a biological parent. The term 'stepsister' is used to denote a familial relationship created through marriage rather than blood.

Are there any formal or old-fashioned synonyms for 'sister'?

Yes, some formal or old-fashioned terms for 'sister' include 'sibling' (though still commonly used today), 'sisterling,' and 'kinswoman.' These terms are less common in everyday conversation and are more likely to be found in literature or formal writings.