What is synonyms for although

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Used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.

Synonyms of although


As in expressing a contrast by introducing an alternative statement

Strongest matches:

- though

- even though

- albeit

- notwithstanding

Weak matches:

- while

- whereas


As in introducing a statement that forms an exception to one just made

Strongest matches:

- however

- but

- yet

Weak matches:

- on the other hand

- then again


As in indicating surprise at something

Strongest matches:

- nevertheless

- still

Weak matches:

- withal

- after all


because, since, due to, as, in view of

Usage examples:

1. Although it was raining heavily, they decided to go for a walk in the park.

2. She wanted to buy the expensive dress she saw online, although she knew it would seriously stretch her monthly budget.

3. Although he had studied all night for the exam, he found the questions more challenging than he had anticipated.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'although'?

Several words and phrases can be used interchangeably with 'although' to convey a similar meaning, including 'though,' 'even though,' 'despite,' and 'notwithstanding.' Each of these can be used to introduce a contrasting idea or fact in a sentence.

Can 'however' be used as a synonym for 'although'?

Yes, 'however' can function similarly to 'although' by introducing a contrast or exception. However, it is typically used at the beginning of a new sentence or clause, followed by a comma, whereas 'although' is used to connect two clauses within a single sentence.

Is there a difference in formality among the synonyms for 'although'?

Yes, there can be subtle differences in formality and usage context among these synonyms. For instance, 'though' is often considered slightly less formal than 'although,' and 'notwithstanding' is more formal and is commonly found in legal or very formal writing. 'Despite' and 'even though' are widely used in both formal and informal contexts.

How do the meanings of 'although' and its synonyms differ when used in a sentence?

While 'although' and its synonyms share a common function of introducing a contrast, the choice of word can subtly influence the tone or emphasis of the sentence. 'Even though' might emphasize the contrast more strongly than 'although.' 'Despite' and 'notwithstanding' might suggest a stronger sense of opposition or resilience against the contrasting fact. However, these differences are often quite nuanced, and the words can usually be used interchangeably without significantly altering the meaning of a sentence.