What is synonyms for tap into

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tap into

/tæp ˈɪntu/

To access or make use of a resource or source of information.

Synonyms of tap into


As in exploit or utilize

Strongest matches:

- harness

- utilize

- exploit

- employ

- leverage

Weak matches:

- use

- draw on

- access

- avail oneself of


As in connect or access

Strongest matches:

- access

- connect

- link up

Weak matches:

- plug into

- reach

- tap


As in derive or extract

Strongest matches:

- extract

- derive

- glean

Weak matches:

- gather

- obtain

- get


misunderstand, misinterpret, misconceive, misconstrue, misread, not get

Usage examples:

1. The company decided to tap into the emerging market to expand its customer base and increase revenue.

2. After studying for hours, she managed to tap into her memory to recall the important details needed for the exam.

3. The plumber had to tap into the main water line to install the new filtration system for the house.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'tap into'?

A more formal synonym for 'tap into' would be 'access.'

Is there a synonym for 'tap into' that emphasizes the aspect of utilization?

Yes, 'exploit' can be used as a synonym for 'tap into,' especially when emphasizing the aspect of utilization.

Can 'tap into' and 'connect with' be used interchangeably?

'Connect with' can be considered a synonym for 'tap into' in contexts that involve establishing a relationship or understanding.

What synonym for 'tap into' implies an innovative or creative approach?

'Harness' is a synonym that implies an innovative or creative approach to 'tap into' something.