What is synonyms for we

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A pronoun referring to the speaker or writer and one or more other people considered together.

Synonyms of we


Strongest matches:

- us

- our

- ourselves

Weak matches:

- the group

- the team

- the family

- the class

- the crew

- the gang

- the committee


they, you, others

Usage examples:

1. We decided to go to the beach for our summer vacation.

2. We need to finalize the presentation by tomorrow.

3. As we wandered through the ancient ruins, the history of the place enveloped us, making us feel like we were stepping back in time.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some formal synonyms for 'we'?

Formal synonyms for 'we' include 'us,' 'ourselves,' and when referring to a group including the speaker in a formal or professional context, terms like 'our team,' 'our organization,' or 'our company' can be used.

Are there any inclusive synonyms for 'we' that can be used in written documents?

Yes, inclusive synonyms for 'we' that ensure everyone feels represented include 'all of us,' 'everyone here,' and 'each one of us.' These terms are particularly useful in documents intended to foster inclusivity and community.

Can 'we' have synonyms that specify the number of people involved?

While 'we' inherently includes the speaker and at least one other person, specifying the number of people can be done through phrases rather than single-word synonyms. For example, 'the two of us,' 'the three of us,' or 'all four of us' provide clear indications of the group's size.

What are some creative or informal synonyms for 'we' that can be used in casual writing?

In casual writing or speech, creative or informal synonyms for 'we' include 'the gang,' 'the crew,' 'the team,' or even 'the fam' when referring to a close group of friends or family. These terms add a layer of personality and warmth to the communication.