What is synonyms for well said

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well said

/wɛl sɛd/

Expressed in an apt, fitting, or eloquent manner.

Synonyms of well said


Strongest matches:

- eloquently stated

- well articulated

Weak matches:

- well put

- well communicated

- well delivered

- well expressed


poorly expressed, inelegantly stated, badly articulated, clumsily conveyed, ineffectively communicated

Usage examples:

1. After the debate, the audience applauded, agreeing with the speaker's insightful conclusion, whispering among themselves, Well said.

2. The professor, impressed by the student's concise explanation of quantum mechanics, nodded approvingly and commented, Well said, you've captured the essence perfectly.

3. Reading the touching tribute in the newspaper, she felt a surge of emotion and thought, Well said, appreciating how the words captured the spirit of the person they were honoring.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'well said'?

'Eloquently stated' is a more formal synonym for 'well said.' It conveys the idea that something was expressed in a fluent or persuasive manner.

Is there a casual or slang synonym for 'well said'?

Yes, 'nailed it' can be considered a casual or slang synonym for 'well said.' It's often used in informal conversations to express that someone has made a particularly apt or accurate statement.

Can 'articulately expressed' be used as a synonym for 'well said'?

Absolutely, 'articulately expressed' is a suitable synonym for 'well said.' It emphasizes the clarity and effectiveness with which the thoughts were conveyed.

What synonym for 'well said' could be used in an academic or intellectual context?

'Insightfully articulated' is an appropriate synonym for 'well said' in academic or intellectual contexts. It highlights the depth and thoughtfulness of the expression.