What is synonyms for good night

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good night

/gʊd naɪt/

A phrase used to express good wishes to someone before they go to sleep.

Synonyms of good night


Strongest matches:

- Sleep tight

- Sleep well

- Sweet dreams

Weak matches:

- Goodbye for the night

- Goodnight

- Rest well

- Night

- Bye


morning, good morning, wake up

Usage examples:

1. After a long and exhausting day, she texted her friend, 'Good night, I hope you sleep well!'

2. The children were tucked into bed, and with a gentle smile, their mother whispered, 'Good night, sweet dreams.

3. When the party was coming to an end, the host stood at the door and said good night to each guest.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'good night'?

Several phrases can be used interchangeably with 'good night,' including 'sweet dreams,' 'rest well,' 'sleep tight,' and 'goodnight.' Each of these expressions conveys a wish for a pleasant or peaceful sleep.

Is there a difference between saying 'goodnight' and 'sleep tight'?

While both 'goodnight' and 'sleep tight' are used to wish someone a restful sleep, 'sleep tight' carries an added nuance of hoping that the person sleeps securely and comfortably. It's a more intimate or affectionate expression, often used among close friends and family.

Can 'night-night' be considered a synonym for 'good night'?

Yes, 'night-night' is a synonym for 'good night,' but it's typically used in a more informal or affectionate context, often when speaking to children. It conveys the same wish for a good rest but in a more endearing manner.

Are there any formal synonyms for 'good night'?

In formal settings, 'good night' itself is commonly used and considered appropriate. However, if you're looking for an alternative, saying 'I wish you a good evening' or simply 'have a pleasant evening' as you're leaving can also serve as a polite and formal way to say 'good night.' These phrases are suitable for professional emails, meetings, or events occurring in the evening.