Ninety vs Ninty
What’s the difference between them?

Ninety is a numeral that means '90.'
1) Ninety percent of the students in the class passed the final exam.
2) I'm ninety years old, but I still feel young at heart.
3) I've been learning Spanish for ninety days now and I'm starting to understand a lot.
Misspelling of the word 'ninety.'
no examples
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
There are no direct synonyms for this word.
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Ninety", "Ninty".

1. The word 'ninety' is spelled with an 'e' between 'n' and 't' and describes the number 90.
2. The word 'ninty' is spelled without 'e' between 'n' and 't' and is not a real word.
3. A helpful way to remember the correct spelling is to remember the word 'nine' and add the ending '-ty' to it.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word?
The word 'ninety' is used as an adjective to mean 'being the number greater than eighty-nine and less than one hundred'. For example, 'the score is ninety out of one hundred' or 'it's ninety degrees outside'.
When to use the second word?
The word 'ninty' is an incorrect spelling of 'ninety'. It is not used in any context and should not be used in any writing or speaking.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
Yes, the words ‘ninety’ and ‘ninty’ both have the same pronunciation, which is ‘nain-tɪ’. But remember, that 'ninty' is a wrong spelling.
What are common mistakes associated with words?
The most common mistake made when using the words ‘ninety’ and ‘ninty’ is spelling ‘ninety’ as ‘ninty’. It is important to remember that ‘ninty’ is an incorrect spelling and should not be used in any writing or speaking.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The ______ percent of the population voted against the new tax.
2. She scored ______ on the math test.
3. We had a ______ percent chance of winning the game.
4. He has been working here for ______ years.
5. The temperature was ______ degrees outside.
6. The project took ______ days to complete.
1. The ninety percent of the population voted against the new tax.
Explanation: Ninety is the correct spelling of the word.
2. She scored ninety on the math test.
Explanation: Ninety is the correct spelling of the word.
3. We had a ninety percent chance of winning the game.
Explanation: Ninety is the correct spelling of the word.
4. He has been working here for ninety years.
Explanation: Ninety is the correct spelling of the word.
5. The temperature was ninety degrees outside.
Explanation: Ninety is the correct spelling of the word.
6. The project took ninety days to complete.
Explanation: Ninety is the correct spelling of the word.
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