What part of speech is “already”

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as an adverb, 'already' is used to describe something that has happened before a specific time or earlier than anticipated.

'Already' is often used in the present perfect tense to indicate that an action has been completed at some point before now. It can also be used in other tenses to convey a sense of something happening sooner than expected.

I've already finished my homework.

It's only 10 o'clock, and he's already asleep.

They already knew the truth before the announcement was made.

In American English, 'already' is typically placed before the main verb (e.g., 'I already ate') or at the end of the sentence (e.g., 'I ate already'). In British English, it's more common to place 'already' at the end of the sentence. 'Already' is often used in questions to express surprise that something has happened sooner than expected, e.g., 'Have you finished already?' It's essential to differentiate between 'already' and other time-related adverbs like 'yet' and 'still.' For instance, 'I've already done that' vs. 'I haven't done that yet' vs. 'I'm still doing that.'

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