What part of speech is “always”

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an adverb is a word that describes or modifies an action verb. It is used to show time, manner, frequency, place, reason, purpose, or degree. In this context, the adverb 'always' is used to describe something that happens all of the time, without exception.

it is never used before a noun, adjective, or other adverb. For example, it would not make sense to say or write 'I always quickly jumped'. Whenever used, it should be placed before the verb it is modifying. For example, 'I always jump quickly.' 'Always' is often used to assert an absolute truth that occurs without exception. For example, 'She always speaks her mind.'

1. I always arrive on time for class.

2. They always stay friendly no matter how frustrating the situation is.

3. She always makes sure the room is tidy before leaving.

Negative statements with 'always' can sound extreme or exaggerated. For example, 'He always makes mistakes!' might invoke strong emotions in some contexts, so it is better to use milder adverbs such as 'frequently'. Be careful to avoid double negatives. For example, 'I don't always never do that' is incorrect; the use of both the adverb 'always' and the adverb 'never' in the same sentence is redundant. When writing, try to avoid 'always' if it is not necessary. For example, both 'She speaks her mind' and 'She always speaks her mind' are grammatically correct, but the first example implies the same meaning without the use of the adverb.

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