What part of speech is “because”

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the role of 'because' as a preposition is to indicate the cause or reason of a certain action or situation. It can be used either as a single word in a statement, such as in 'I laughed because it was funny,' or it can be followed by a clause. For example, 'I laughed because it reminded me of my childhood.'

When using 'because' as a preposition, it should be placed at the beginnig of the sentence, followed by a clause that describes the cause for a certain action.

1. Because of rain, we stayed indoors.

2. Because we had planned to go on a road trip, we packed our bags.

It’s important to remember that when using 'because' as a preposition, you are describing the cause or reason for something. Therefore, it should be followed by a clause that accurately describes the cause.


the role of 'because' as a conjunction is to connect two clauses or phrases to indicate cause and effect. For example, 'He fell asleep because he was tired.' In this sentence, the first clause explains the effect (he fell asleep) and the second clause explains the cause (he was tired).

When using 'because' as a conjunction, it should come between two clauses and indicate the cause and effect between them.

1. He failed the test because he hadn't studied hard enough.

2. We decided to cancel the party because of the heavy rain.

3. We went to the beach because we needed a break.

It’s important to note that when using 'because' as a conjunction, you are attributing a cause to an effect. Therefore, the clause that follows it should be an explanation of why the effect occurred.

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