What part of speech is “behind”

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as a preposition, 'behind' primarily indicates the position of something relative to another object, specifically at the back of or to the rear of that object. It can also refer to the reason for or cause of an action, event, or situation.

'Behind' can be used to show that something is at the back of or to the rear of another object. It can also be used to indicate the underlying reason or cause for a particular situation or event.

The cat is hiding behind the sofa.

The school is located just behind the library.

The motivation behind his actions remains a mystery.

'Behind' often implies that the object or person is not only at the back but also possibly concealed or obscured by the thing in front of it. When using 'behind' to indicate cause or reason, it often carries a sense of uncovering or revealing the true motive or rationale. Avoid using 'behind' when you mean 'below' or 'beneath'. For instance, 'The keys are beneath the cushion' is more appropriate than 'The keys are behind the cushion' unless the cushion is leaning against something and the keys are literally behind it.


adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a sentence. It is used to provide further detail about how or when something happened. Behind is an adverb that is used to refer to the position behind, at the back of, or after something else. For example, you might say 'I sat behind the tree'.

Behind is often used to indicate a directional change. It can also describe the part of something that is not visible, or the order in which something occurs.

1. The cat hid behind the cupboard.

2. The small child was the last of them in the line, walking behind the others.

When using behind, it is easy to forget that it is an adverb and not a preposition. Therefore, it is important to make sure to use it in appropriate contexts. For example, you would say ''behind me'' instead of 'behind of me'.

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