What part of speech is “brilliant”

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as a noun, 'brilliant' refers to a diamond or other gem, especially when cut in a particular form with numerous facets so as to have exceptional brilliance.

The ring was set with a large brilliant surrounded by smaller stones.

The necklace featured several brilliants that sparkled in the light.

She admired the brilliant in the display case, noting its exceptional clarity.

when used as a noun, 'brilliant' is less common than its adjectival form. It's specific to the context of gemstones, especially diamonds. The term 'round brilliant' is a specific diamond cut that's known for maximizing light return — it's the most popular cut for diamonds. It's essential to differentiate between the noun and adjective forms based on context. For instance, 'a brilliant performance' (adjective) vs. 'a 2-carat brilliant' (noun).


brilliant as an adjective is an individual of remarkable intellect or talent. It is often used to describe exceptional accomplishments and is typically associated with a high degree of excellence. In the English language, a brilliant is often used to refer to a person who has achieved success in their field, or has made significant contributions to their field.

a brilliant can be used to refer to a scientific genius or an amazing athlete. It is usually used to describe someone who has done something exemplary or extremely worthy of praise. It can be used as an adjective (e.g. a brilliant mathematician) or as a noun (e.g. He is a brilliant).

1. His brilliant mind helped to solve some of the world's toughest problems.

2. She was a brilliant pianist, entrancing audiences with each performance.

3. He proved to be a brilliant strategist, leading his team to victory.

it is important to remember that a brilliant must be achieved or earned--it cannot simply be assumed or awarded without sufficient hard work and effort. Also, it is important to use the word sparingly because its usage can quickly become cliché if overused.

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