What part of speech is “broken”

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broken is an adjective that is used to describe something that is cracked, fractured, or damaged in some way. It is usually used to describe physical objects, but can also be used to refer to a person's emotions or state of mind. When used in this way, broken refers to a person who is emotionally hurt or damaged in some way, usually due to trauma or extreme sadness.

the rules and use cases associated with broken as an adjective include never using the form 'breaken' and using appropriate adverbs and articles in the context of the sentence, such as 'very' or 'extremely'.

1. 'Her heart was broken after losing her beloved pet.'

2. 'The poor dog had a broken leg, so the vet had to put it in a cast.'

when using broken as an adjective, it is important to contextualize the sentence and not use the word inappropriately. For example, while someone can have a broken heart, it is not appropriate to refer to someone as 'broken', as this implies that the person is completely damaged and this is not necessarily the case. Additionally, be careful of using broken as an adjective to describe something non-physical, such as someone's thoughts or ideas, as it can easily be misinterpreted.


as the past participle form of 'break,' 'broken' is used with auxiliary verbs to form verb tenses, especially the present perfect, past perfect, and passive voice.

'broken' can be used in the present perfect tense to indicate an action that happened at an unspecified time before now. In the past perfect tense to indicate an action that happened before another action in the past. In passive voice constructions to indicate that the subject of the sentence was acted upon by someone or something else.

I have broken my favorite mug. (Present perfect)

She had already broken up with him before he moved away. (Past perfect)

The window was broken by the storm last night. (Passive voice)

'Broken' is the resultative form of 'break,' indicating the state or condition that results from the action of breaking. For example, 'The vase is broken' means the vase is in a state of being broken due to some past action. Don't confuse 'broke' (simple past of 'break') with 'broken' (past participle). For instance, 'I broke the glass' (simple past) vs. 'The glass has broken' (present perfect).

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