What part of speech is “countenance”

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countenance refers to an expression or a look on the face, especially one that conveys emotion or sentiment. It most commonly refers to a person's facial expression, though it can also be used to refer to other expressions; for example, one can describe a painting as having a pleasant countenance.

the rules and use cases for a noun are generally quite straightforward; countenance is describing a person's or object's appearance or atmosphere.

1. She had a bright and cheery countenance, despite the day's troubles.

2. His countenance was solemn and still, giving no indication of thought or feeling.

3. Her countenance was one of contempt and disgust, seemingly unaware of anything positive.


to countenance can also be used as a verb, meaning to give approval or encouragement to an action or idea. In this sense, it is similar to the word condone, but it is not as strong; countenance implies a more passive acceptance or approval, often with hesitation, doubt, or begrudging acknowledgement.

when used as a verb, the rules and use cases of countenance become more complex; it often implies compromise or settling for the lesser of two evils.

1. We reluctantly countenanced her decision, despite our reservations.

2. The board countenanced the motion, despite pressure from opponents.

3. We could not countenance his proposal, as it was lacking in detail and foresight.

common mistakes when using countenance as a verb could involve confusing it with the word condone. While countenance implies acceptance or approval, it generally implies that it is done with hesitation or doubt. Additionally, when using countenance as a verb, it is important to remember that it is followed by a verb in the infinitive form.

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