What part of speech is “entire”

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an adjective is a word or phrase that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. In this capacity, 'entire' is used to describe a noun in a way that implies the entirety of the thing being described. For instance, 'The entire pie has been eaten' conveys an all-encompassing state – that the entire pie has been consumed. Other examples include 'I bought the entire set' or 'His entire family was there.'

1. The entire table was suddenly consumed by chaos.

2. I accidentally spilled the entire carton of milk.

3. He read the entire book in one night.

when using 'entire' as an adjective, be sure to use it in a way that conveys the entirety of the item being discussed - using this word for something that isn’t 'whole' or 'complete' can lead to confusion or incorrect interpretation. Additionally, pay attention to when to use 'whole' as opposed to 'entire' – 'whole' generally implies a more physical, tangible sense, while 'entire' is more expansive and lenient. For instance, 'I consumed the entire pizza' implies you ate all of the pizza, whereas 'I ate the whole pizza' conveys a more physical meaning in that you ate the pizza from start to finish.

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