What part of speech is “finish”

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when used as a noun, finish is defined as the act of coming to the end of something. It can also be used to refer to the smoothness or texture of an object. When used as a noun, finish can also be used to express the superiority of an item or task.

The painting had a glossy finish.

The race had an exciting finish.

We need to find the right finish for the floor.

They have a great finish on their furniture.

My essay had a perfect finish.

common mistakes associated with this usage of finish include mixing up the singular and plural forms (e.g. 'finishes' instead of 'finish') or forgetting to use an article (e.g. 'a finish' instead of 'the finish').


when used as a verb, finish is defined as to bring something to an end or completion. When used as a verb, finish is typically used with an object (what it is completing or ending). In some cases, it can be used without an object to suggest completion of an activity or event.

She needs to finish the painting.

They finished their meal.

They finished quickly.

She finished in record time.

common mistakes associated with this usage of finish include mixing up the tenses, using the wrong word form (e.g. 'finishs' instead of 'finishes') or using a verb ending (e.g. 'finishs' instead of 'finished').

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