What part of speech is “for”

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a 'for' is a word used as a preposition to indicate direction and to indicate a specific object's relationship to a verb.

'For' signals a time, a place, a cause, and a purpose between two different entities. In addition, 'for' can also define a recipient or target of something.

'She went for her car,' 'He ran for his life,' and 'They fought for their country.'

'A phone call for you,' 'The gift is for her,' and 'We have a special offer for today only.'

when used as a preposition, 'for' necessitates the inclusion of a clear object. Otherwise, it’s difficult to discern the direction or target of the verb’s action.


a 'for' is also used as a conjunction to join grammatically equal clauses or sentences together.

It can make it easier to make direct comparisons or draw stronger connections between two different things. Further, 'for' can be used to introduce a cause or a reason for a certain action or event.

'She failed the test for she was not prepared,' 'The clouds looked black, for it was about to rain,' and 'We waited minutes for she was running late.'

'The audience was silent, for they were awestruck,' 'He ate dinner early for it was already late,' and 'We couldn’t enter the park for it was closed.'

When using 'for' to introduce a cause or reason, it’s important to make sure that the statement made is actually logical and that there is evidence for such a cause. Otherwise, it may come across as a weak or unsupported statement.

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