What part of speech is “green”

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green can be used as a noun to reference a color between yellow and blue. It generally has a connotation of being fresh, natural, and vibrant. When used to describe plants, green can denote plants that are healthy or thriving. In a different context, green can also be used to describe money that has not been circulated or newness (e.g. green plans or green instructions).

1. She came in green today.

2. Do you have enough green to pay for a car?

3. She got the green to proceed with the project.

When used to refer to money, green has a negative connotation since it implies newness and people tend to prefer things that have withstood the test of time. People often avoid using green in this context and instead refer to money as 'cash' or the more formal sounding term 'requisite funds' when offering advice about investments.


green can also be used as an adjective to describe something as being emerald in color, youthful in spirit, or enviro-friendly. It is also often used as a descriptor for something that is inexperienced, naive, or sheltered in some way.

1. The lawn was covered in a blanket of green grass.

2. His passion was as green as a freshly planted tree.

3. She was an incredibly green investor, investing without prior research or due diligence.

When referring to someone’s spirit being green, try to avoid using 'green around the gills' as this phrase has connotations of illness or sickness. Additionally, 'green' is often used interchangeably with 'unsophisticated'. However, when used in this context it could come across as condescending so use with caution depending on the context.


To 'green' something means to make it more environmentally friendly or sustainable. This can refer to practices, processes, products, or even spaces.

The city plans to green its infrastructure by investing in renewable energy sources.

Companies are looking for ways to green their supply chains to reduce carbon footprints.

The community came together to green the neighborhood by planting trees and creating parks.

When using 'green' as a verb, it's essential to provide context, as the term can be broad. For instance, greening a product might mean using sustainable materials, while greening a building might mean installing energy-efficient systems. 'Greening' doesn't always mean the same thing in every context. In some cases, it might mean making something literally green by adding plants, while in others, it might mean adopting sustainable practices.

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