What part of speech is “in-addition”

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the phrase 'in addition' is used as a conjunction to indicate that something is being added to what has already been mentioned. It serves to introduce supplementary information or emphasize the inclusion of another item or point.

'in addition' is often followed by 'to' when introducing the item that is already present, before mentioning the new item. It can be used to start a sentence or can be placed in the middle of a sentence to introduce additional information.

She loves reading novels. In addition, she writes poetry in her free time.

In addition to his regular job, he also does freelance work on weekends.

The museum showcases historical artifacts. In addition, it offers interactive exhibits for children.

'In addition' and 'in addition to' are not always interchangeable. For instance, 'She loves reading novels. In addition to, she writes poetry.' is incorrect. It should be 'In addition, she writes poetry.'

'In addition' is similar in meaning to 'also,' 'furthermore,' and 'moreover,' but 'in addition' often emphasizes the idea of accumulation or aggregation. A common mistake is using 'in addition' redundantly with other similar phrases. For instance, 'Also, in addition to his regular job, he does freelance work.' The 'also' is redundant in this context.

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