What part of speech is “jump”

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Jump is a noun that indicates a sudden, usually short-lived burst of activity. It also refers to an increase in level or amount, such as an increase in temperature or price.

When a noun, jump can usually be pluralized to indicate multiple short bursts of activity or multiple increases in level or amount.

1. She got up and did a jump for joy.

2. After the great success, the value of the company's stocks saw a big jump.

3. The temperature took a sharp jump today.

When used to indicate an increase, jump is usually qualified with a noun that indicates a scale, such as 'Temperature jump', 'Price jump', 'Votes jump'.


Jump is a verb that can indicate leaping, hurling oneself, and sudden movement. It can also be used to indicate increase in a sudden or abrupt manner, such as a jump in temperature or price.

When a verb, jump can often be found with an adverb or prepositional phrase that indicates the manner of the jump, such as 'jumped quickly', 'jumped up'. When used to indicate an increase, jump is usually followed by a noun that indicates a scale, such as 'Temperature jumped', 'Price jumped', 'Votes jumped'.

1. She jumped up from her chair when the birthday cake was brought in.

2. Prices jumped significantly according the news report.

3. The contestant jumped over the hurdles with ease.

When jump is used as the main verb in a sentence, a direct object is not usually included, as evidenced by the usage of the verb in the example sentences. Make sure to include a noun that indicates a scale when using jump to indicate an increase.

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