What part of speech is “met”

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while 'met' is primarily known as the past tense of 'meet,' in some contexts, particularly in finance, 'MET' can be an abbreviation or acronym. As a noun, it's less common and context-specific.

'MET' as an abbreviation for 'Metropolitan.' 'MET' as an acronym in specific contexts, such as 'Minimum Essential Temperatures' in environmental studies or 'Metabolic Equivalent of Task' in physiology.

The MET division is responsible for urban planning.

Researchers measured the MET values for various exercises to determine their intensity.

The MET gala is a significant event in the fashion industry.

when using 'met' as an abbreviation or acronym, it's essential to ensure that the context makes its meaning clear. 'Met' as a noun is not as universally recognized as 'met' the verb, so it's crucial to provide context or clarification when necessary.


'met' is the past tense and past participle form of the verb 'meet.' It denotes a past action where one came into the presence or company of someone either by chance or arrangement.

I met her at the conference last year.

Our eyes met across the crowded room.

The project met all the required criteria.

'met' should not be used to describe a future or present action. For example, 'I will meet you tomorrow' (future) and 'I meet him every week' (present) are correct, not 'I will met' or 'I met him every week.'

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