What part of speech is “no”

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no generally acts as a stand-in for a thing, person, or idea, that is not specified. It most often appears as the answer to questions where the response is negative, or is used to deny permission. When someone uses the word 'no' in a sentence as a noun, they are implying that they don't have access to or are refusing something.

in general, 'no' will be used as a noun when implying a lack of something or denial of something, and it is not used to describe something specifically.

1. I've received a strong no in his reply.

2. I've chose ''No'' during the vote.

when it comes to using 'no' as a noun, it is important to be aware of how it functions as a pronoun in that context. It does not share the same meaning as the pronoun 'none' and it should not be used in place of 'none.' '


no is an adverb used when indicating disagreement with or rejection of something previously said. It shows that the speaker disagrees with or denies a statement. For example, 'I’m going to the party,' and 'No, I’m not.' No can also be used to negate requests or commands, as in 'No, you can’t go outside.'

1. 'I don’t want to go to the store; no, I’d rather stay home.'

2. 'No, I don’t want to take out the trash right now.'

3. 'Can I borrow five dollars?' 'No, sorry.'

keep in mind that 'no' is usually followed by a verb that expresses disagreement with/denial of something. Additionally, some people use 'no' to sound more polite when saying no, for example when responding to a request. This is not necessarily wrong, as it can serve to soften the refusal. However, using an alternative phrase such as 'I’m sorry, but…' may can be more polite.


no can be used as an interjection in order to express disbelief, denial, or opposition. It is usually used as a response to a statement, and usually follows the statement.

1. 'We’re having a test tomorrow?' 'No!'

2. 'I think I left my keys at home.' 'No…'

3. 'I’m going to be late to work.' 'No! You can’t do that!'

remember that 'no' is commonly used after a statement that requires some sort of response—it expresses disbelief, denial, or opposition. Also, the emphasis rests on the last syllable of the word. Lastly, remember that interjections are not grammatically correct; one should use them sparingly.

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