What part of speech is “rest”

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as a noun, 'rest' primarily refers to a period of relaxation or sleep, especially after a period of activity or exertion. It can also denote the remaining part of something.

'rest' can be used both in singular and plural forms, though its plural form 'rests' is less common and typically refers to multiple instances of relaxation or breaks. 'Rest' can be modified by adjectives to specify the type or nature of the rest, e.g., 'much-needed rest,' 'brief rest.'

After the long hike, she needed a good rest.

The rest of the cake is in the fridge.

We took several rests during our journey.


as a verb, 'rest' means to cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. It can also mean to be placed or supported so as to stay in a specified position.

'rest' as a verb can be used in various tenses like any other regular verb, e.g., 'rested,' 'resting.' It can be used both transitively (with a direct object) and intransitively (without a direct object).

I need to rest my eyes for a few minutes.

The ladder rests against the wall.

After the marathon, he rested for two days.

'rest on' or 'rest upon' can mean to be based on or depend on something. 'Rest up' is a phrasal verb meaning to get plenty of rest in preparation for something strenuous.

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