What part of speech is “suspicions”

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as a noun, 'suspicions' refers to feelings or beliefs that someone is guilty of an illegal, dishonest, or harmful act. It can also refer to a feeling or thought that something is possible or likely, even if there's no definitive proof.

'suspicions' is used to denote multiple instances or feelings of doubt or mistrust. It can refer to general doubts or specific doubts about someone's actions or intentions.

The detective's suspicions were confirmed when he found the hidden evidence.

Her strange behavior raised suspicions among her colleagues.

Despite the lack of concrete evidence, there were lingering suspicions about his involvement.

'suspicion' in its singular form refers to a single doubt or mistrustful feeling, while 'suspicions' in its plural form refers to multiple such feelings. Be careful not to confuse 'suspicion' with 'speculation.' While both involve a degree of uncertainty, 'suspicion' often has a more negative connotation, implying doubt about someone's honesty or integrity, whereas 'speculation' is more neutral and refers to forming a theory without firm evidence. 'Suspicions' can be used in both a legal context (e.g., suspecting someone of a crime) and in everyday situations (e.g., suspecting someone of hiding a surprise).

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