What part of speech is “those”

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demonstrative adjective 'those' is used to point out specific items, people, or ideas that are distant from the speaker or are being contrasted with others. It is the plural form of 'that.'

'Those' can be used to refer to specific items, people, or ideas that have been previously mentioned or are understood in the context. It can also be used to contrast a set of items or people with another set.

Those shoes are really stylish.

I prefer these cookies to those.

Those students in the back row are from a different class.

'Those' often implies a certain distance, either physical or metaphorical, from the speaker. For items close to the speaker, 'these' would be used instead. Avoid confusing 'those' (plural) with 'that' (singular). Use 'those' when referring to multiple items and 'that' when referring to a singular item.


'Those' is an indefinite pronoun that refers to unspecified persons or things that are known, but not specifically identified, to the speaker.

It is used when referring to people, places, and things that have already been mentioned.

- 'Those were expensive shoes.'

- 'I saw those trees in the park.'

- 'My sister was with those people yesterday.'

The use of 'those' in its capacity as a pronoun can be confusing, as it may be used in the same sentence as a determiner, but the determiner will have an article ('the' or 'a') preceding it and will not be followed by a noun, whereas the pronoun 'those' will be. A common mistake with the use of 'those' as a pronoun is using the determiner 'that' instead, so it is important to pay attention to context and grammar when using it.

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