What part of speech is “through”

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through can be used as a noun to refer to a method or means of achieving a goal. It can also be used to refer to the course of life or development of an event.

1. We have chosen this route as the best through to success.

2. Life is a through of different experiences.

3. Everyone has their own unique through.

through is always used as a singular noun and is usually used together with words such as 'the' and 'a'. It can also be used as the suffix '-through' in words such as 'breakthrough', 'flushthrough', and 'followthrough'.


as an adjective, 'through' typically describes a situation where something has ended or is finished. It can also refer to a means of public transportation that goes directly to a destination without any or many stops.

1. The meeting is through, and everyone can go home.

2. We took the through train from New York to Washington, D.C.

3. Once the contract is through, we can start the project.

when 'through' is used as an adjective to indicate completion, it often appears after the verb 'to be' (is, was, were, etc.). Don't confuse the adjectival use of 'through' with its more common use as a preposition. For instance, 'She walked through the door' (preposition) vs. 'The meeting is through' (adjective).


through can be used as a preposition to indicate motion from one end or side to the other, or from the outside to the inside of something.

1. She drove through the town.

2. The horse galloped through the field.

3. They walked through the woods.

through can also be used to indicate the intensity of an action or feeling, to indicate the passing of time or a period of difficulty, and to indicate causes and effects.

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