What part of speech is “weather”

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weather is a collective term used to describe the conditions in the atmosphere of the Earth at any given time. Weather includes factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and precipitation.

1. There's a lot of disruption to outdoor activities due to bad weather.

2. I'm anxious to see what kind of weather we have in store for the summer.

3. The forecast predicts unsettled weather for the week.

Weather can be used as an adjective, but its usages are rare and means 'relating to the side facing the wind'. Generally, avoid using the word as an adjective and use other words that are typically used to describe weather, like 'snowy,' 'rainy,' or 'sunny,' instead.


as a verb, 'weather' means to withstand or come safely through a specific situation or period, often one that is adverse or challenging. It can also refer to the process of being affected by the weather, especially when exposed to the elements over time.

The old barn has weathered many storms over the years.

The ship weathered the rough seas.

The stone statue has weathered over time, showing signs of erosion.

'Weather' as a verb can be both transitive (with a direct object) and intransitive (without a direct object). For instance, 'The house weathered the storm' (transitive) vs. 'The wood has weathered over the years' (intransitive). It's essential not to confuse 'weather' with 'whether,' which is a conjunction used to introduce alternatives. The phrase 'weather the storm' is a common idiom meaning to endure or survive a challenging situation.

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