What part of speech is “yes”

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Yes is an adverb that is used to express agreement or acceptance with a statement or request. It is also commonly used in response to a question as an affirmation of correctness or identity.

The rules associated with its use as an adverb require that it be placed at the end of a sentence or phrase to emphasize the acceptance of the statement that was made.

1. 'Are you ready to go?' - 'Yes.'

2. 'Can I get you a drink?' - 'Yes, please.'

3. 'Will you marry me?' - 'Yes!'

ensure that the phrase is placed at the end of a sentence or phrase to emphasize agreement or acceptance and that it is used in response to a question or request to convey agreement or approval. Common mistakes include using yes outside of a response to a question or request, as well as not emphasizing it at the end of the sentence.

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