What is another word for nice

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Pleasant, agreeable, or satisfactory in nature or manner.

Antonyms of nice


As in pleasant, agreeable

Strongest matches:

- unpleasant

- disagreeable

- horrible

- terrible

Weak matches:

- mean

- rude

- harsh

- unkind


As in attractive, good-looking

Strongest matches:

- ugly

- unattractive

Weak matches:

- plain

- ordinary


pleasant, agreeable, enjoyable, delightful, lovely, charming, amiable, kind, courteous, friendly, genial, congenial, cordial, likable, affable, good-natured, gracious, considerate, thoughtful, polite, amicable, sociable, hospitable, warm, sweet, gentle, mild, benevolent, caring, compassionate, accommodating, helpful, decent

Usage examples:

1. She wore a nice dress to the party, which caught everyone's attention.

2. It was a nice gesture when he offered to carry her bags.

3. We had a nice time at the beach, enjoying the sun and the waves.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'nice' in the context of personality?

A common antonym for 'nice' when referring to someone's personality is 'mean.' While 'nice' describes someone who is pleasant, kind, and friendly, 'mean' refers to someone who is unkind, unpleasant, and potentially harmful in their actions or words.

If something is not 'nice' to look at, what word can be used instead?

When something is not 'nice' to look at, 'ugly' can be used as an antonym. 'Ugly' refers to something that is unpleasant or repulsive to look at, contrasting with 'nice,' which suggests something is pleasing or attractive.

What antonym of 'nice' can be used to describe poor quality?

To describe something of poor quality, 'inferior' can be used as an antonym of 'nice.' 'Inferior' suggests that something does not meet acceptable standards or is of lower quality, opposite to 'nice,' which implies something is of good quality or satisfactory.

Is there an antonym for 'nice' that signifies rude behavior or attitude?

Yes, 'rude' is an antonym for 'nice' that signifies a lack of manners or courtesy in behavior or attitude. While 'nice' involves being polite and considerate, 'rude' encompasses behaviors that are disrespectful, impolite, or offensive.