What is synonyms for trust

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Confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, and fairness of a person or system.

Synonyms of trust


As in confidence, assurance

Strongest matches:

- confidence

- faith

- reliance

- belief

- assurance

Weak matches:

- certainty

- conviction

- credence


As in responsibility, charge

Strongest matches:

- responsibility

- charge

- duty

- obligation

Weak matches:

- care

- guardianship

- stewardship


As in believe, rely on

Strongest matches:

- believe

- rely on

- count on

- depend on

- bank on

Weak matches:

- presume

- assume

- take for granted


As in entrust, assign

Strongest matches:

- entrust

- assign

- delegate

- commit

Weak matches:

- consign

- hand over

- pass on


distrust, doubt, suspicion, mistrust, disbelief, skepticism, uncertainty, incredulity, wariness, hesitancy

Usage examples:

1. It's important to build trust in a relationship to ensure mutual respect and understanding.

2. The team members trust each other to complete their tasks efficiently and meet deadlines.

3. He had to trust his instincts when making the difficult decision.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'trust' that can be used in professional or academic writing?

'Confidence' is a more formal synonym for 'trust' that is often used in professional or academic contexts. It implies a strong belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Is there a synonym for 'trust' that emphasizes emotional security or comfort?

'Faith' is a synonym for 'trust' that adds a dimension of emotional security or comfort. It conveys a deep, often spiritual, confidence in someone or something without needing proof or evidence.

Can you provide a synonym for 'trust' that is suitable for legal or financial contexts?

'Fiduciary' is a term related to 'trust' that is specifically used in legal and financial contexts. It refers to a relationship where one party has the obligation to act in the best interest of another party, such as between a trustee and the beneficiaries of a trust.

What is a casual or colloquial synonym for 'trust' that might be used in everyday conversation?

'Belief' or 'faith' can be considered less formal or colloquial synonyms for 'trust,' depending on the context. However, 'rely on' is another phrase that conveys a casual tone, suitable for everyday conversation, implying dependence or the act of placing trust in someone or something.