What is synonyms for orange

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A citrus fruit with a thick skin and fragrant, sweet-tasting segments; a bright color between red and yellow in the spectrum.

Synonyms of orange


Strongest matches:

- tangerine

- citrus

- carrot

Weak matches:

- apricot

- coral

- amber


Strongest matches:

- mandarin

- tangerine

- clementine

Weak matches:

- citrus

- pomelo

- navel


Usage examples:

1. I decided to wear my bright orange sweater today to stand out in the gloomy weather.

2. We planted an orange tree in our backyard, hoping to enjoy fresh oranges every season.

3. The sunset was a stunning shade of orange, casting a warm glow over the entire landscape.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for the color orange?

A frequently used synonym for the color orange is 'tangerine.' This term refers to a shade of orange that closely resembles the outer skin of the tangerine fruit.

Can 'amber' be considered a synonym for orange?

Yes, 'amber' can be considered a synonym for orange, especially when describing a deep, golden-orange hue. Amber is often used in contexts related to gemstones, light filters, and the color of autumn leaves.

Is there a term that describes a lighter shade of orange?

Yes, 'apricot' is often used to describe a lighter shade of orange. This term conveys a soft, pale orange color reminiscent of the fruit by the same name.

What synonym for orange is used in the context of sunsets or sunrises?

The term 'coral' is frequently used to describe the vibrant shades of orange typically seen in sunsets or sunrises. Coral denotes a range of orange hues that can vary from soft to vivid intensity.