What is another word for patient

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A person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment.

Antonyms of patient


Strongest matches:

- impatient

- restless

- intolerant

- irritable

Weak matches:

- hasty

- impulsive

- eager

- anxious


Strongest matches:

- doctor

- nurse

- physician

- healthcare provider

Weak matches:

- caretaker

- practitioner

- therapist


client, customer, consumer, user, recipient, case, sufferer, victim, invalid, convalescent, outpatient, inpatient

Usage examples:

1. The patient waited calmly for the doctor to arrive.

2. Her patient demeanor was admirable, showing great restraint under pressure.

3. The nurse checked the patient's vital signs every hour to monitor their condition.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'patient' when referring to someone's temperament?

A common antonym for 'patient' in terms of someone's temperament is 'impatient.' This describes a person who is not able to wait for something without becoming annoyed or anxious.

If 'patient' is used to describe someone who endures pain or hardship without complaint, what's an antonym for this context?

In the context of enduring pain or hardship, an antonym for 'patient' could be 'complaining' or 'restless.' These words describe someone who does not handle discomfort or delays well and vocalizes their dissatisfaction or discomfort.

Can 'hasty' be considered an antonym of 'patient'? In what scenario?

Yes, 'hasty' can be considered an antonym of 'patient,' especially in scenarios involving decision-making or action-taking. While 'patient' implies careful deliberation or tolerant waiting, 'hasty' suggests rushing through decisions or actions without giving them much thought or time.

Is there an antonym for 'patient' that indicates a positive quality, similar to how being patient is often seen as a virtue?

While antonyms generally indicate opposite meanings, finding a positive quality opposite to 'patient' is challenging because patience itself is usually seen as a positive trait. However, 'proactive' might be considered a positive antonym in certain contexts. While 'patient' implies waiting for things to happen, 'proactive' suggests taking initiative and action to make things happen, which can be viewed positively in situations where action is necessary.