What is synonyms for social network

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social network

/səʊʃəl ˈnɛtwɜːk/

A platform for building social relationships among people who share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections.

Synonyms of social network


As in community

Strongest matches:

- social circle

- social structure

- social fabric

Weak matches:

- community network

- social system

- social framework


As in online platform

Strongest matches:

- social media platform

- online community

- social media site

Weak matches:

- virtual community

- online network

- digital platform


isolation, solitude, disconnection, separation, detachment

Usage examples:

1. The rise of the social network has transformed the way we communicate.

2. As a part of their digital marketing strategy, the company decided to leverage popular social networks to increase their brand's visibility.

3. He emphasized the importance of understanding the dynamics of social networks within communities.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another term for 'social network' that emphasizes the digital aspect?

A commonly used synonym that highlights the digital aspect is 'social media platform.' This term specifically refers to online spaces designed for social interaction.

Is there a synonym for 'social network' that is more formal and suitable for academic discussions?

Yes, 'online community' is a more formal synonym that is often used in academic and professional discussions about social networks. It conveys a sense of organized social structure and interaction over the internet.

What synonym can I use for 'social network' when referring to the connections between individuals?

'Social graph' is a term that focuses on the network of personal relationships and connections between individuals, rather than the platform. It's often used in discussions about how people are interconnected.

What synonym should I use instead of ‘social network’ in relation to professional networking?

For a professional context, 'professional networking site' or 'business networking platform' are suitable synonyms that specifically denote networks designed for professional and business purposes, such as LinkedIn.