What is synonyms for partner in crime

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partner in crime

/ˈpɑːrtnər ɪn kraɪm/

A close associate who is involved in illegal or nefarious activities alongside someone else.

Synonyms of partner in crime


As in criminal activity

Strongest matches:

- accomplice

- cohort

- co-conspirator

- complice

Weak matches:

- collaborator

- associate

- confederate


As in figurative meaning

Strongest matches:

- companion

- sidekick

- ally

- comrade

Weak matches:

- colleague

- partner

- collaborator

- associate


adversary, opponent, rival, foe, antagonist, enemy

Usage examples:

1. Ever since childhood, he and his best friend have been partners in crime, always getting into adventures together.

2. She considered her coworker her partner in crime, especially when tackling challenging projects at work.

3. For every mischievous plan, he could always count on his sister to be his partner in crime.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'partner in crime'?

A more formal synonym for 'partner in crime' is 'accomplice.' This term is often used in legal contexts to describe someone who assists another person in committing a crime.

Is there a colloquial term similar to 'partner in crime' for non-criminal activities?

Yes, 'sidekick' is a colloquial term that conveys a similar sense of partnership and support as 'partner in crime,' but without the criminal implications. It's often used to describe a close friend or companion who accompanies someone on various activities or adventures.

Can 'confederate' be used interchangeably with 'partner in crime'?

While 'confederate' can be used to denote someone who is involved in a joint plan or activity, it carries a broader meaning and can apply to both criminal and non-criminal activities. It's important to note that 'confederate' also has historical connotations, particularly relating to the Confederate States of America, which may influence its use in some contexts.

What synonym for 'partner in crime' implies a mutual partnership in scheming or planning?

'Cohort' is a synonym that implies a mutual partnership in scheming or planning, often with a slightly less negative connotation than 'partner in crime.' It suggests collaboration and complicity between individuals involved in a plan or activity.