What is another word for timid

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Lacking in self-confidence or courage, easily frightened or shy.

Antonyms of timid


Strongest matches:

- bold

- brave

- confident

- fearless

- assertive

- daring

- audacious

Weak matches:

- adventurous

- outgoing

- unafraid

- secure


shy, apprehensive, bashful, meek, reserved, retiring, diffident, fearful, hesitant, timorous

Usage examples:

1. The timid rabbit hesitated at the edge of the forest, too scared to venture out into the open field.

2. Despite her timid nature, she raised her hand in class to ask a question, feeling her heart pound with nervousness.

3. The timid child clung to his mother's leg, peeking out from behind her with wide, fearful eyes at the strangers around him.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'timid'?

A common antonym for 'timid' is 'bold.' While 'timid' describes someone showing a lack of courage or confidence, 'bold' refers to a person who is willing to take risks; being confident and courageous.

Can 'confident' be considered an antonym of 'timid'?

Yes, 'confident' is considered an antonym of 'timid.' Confidence implies self-assurance and a lack of fear in expressing oneself, making it the opposite of timidity, which involves fearfulness and a lack of self-assurance.

Is 'outgoing' a direct antonym of 'timid'?

'Outgoing' can be considered an antonym of 'timid' in certain contexts, especially in terms of social interactions. While 'timid' individuals may hesitate to engage with others, 'outgoing' people are sociable and easily interact with others, showing little to no reluctance in social situations.

Are there any nuanced antonyms of 'timid' that relate more to actions than personality traits?

Yes, 'adventurous' is a nuanced antonym that relates more to actions than personality traits. While 'timid' people may avoid taking risks or trying new experiences due to fear or lack of confidence, 'adventurous' individuals actively seek out new experiences, often involving some level of risk or challenge, showcasing a stark contrast to timidity.