What is synonyms for stay tuned

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stay tuned

/stay tuned/

Remain alert and attentive for more information or developments to come.

Synonyms of stay tuned


Strongest matches:

- anticipation

- expectation

- attention

Weak matches:

- alertness

- readiness

- watchfulness


As in to remain attentive or closely watchful for information

Strongest matches:

- await

- watch

- anticipate

Weak matches:

- be alert

- be vigilant

- keep an eye out


As in to continue to pay attention or to not change the channel

Strongest matches:

- remain

- stick around

- hold on

Weak matches:

- linger

- hang on

- wait


tune out, disengage, ignore, disconnect, turn off, neglect, overlook

Usage examples:

1. Stay tuned for the grand finale of the show, where we'll reveal the winner live on air!

2. After the commercial break, we'll dive deeper into this groundbreaking discovery, so stay tuned for more exciting details.

3. For those following the developments in the new software update, stay tuned to our blog for the latest features and tutorials.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'stay tuned'?

Common synonyms for 'stay tuned' include 'stay alert,' 'keep watching,' 'remain vigilant,' and 'keep listening.' Each of these phrases conveys the idea of continuing to pay attention to a source of information or entertainment for updates or further developments.

In what context can 'keep an eye out' be used as a synonym for 'stay tuned'?

'Keep an eye out' can be used similarly to 'stay tuned' in contexts where there is an anticipation of future updates or news. It is especially fitting when advising someone to watch for visual cues or signals. For example, in a scenario where visual observation is key to receiving updates, such as waiting for a signal flare or looking for a specific event to occur.

Can 'await further instructions' be considered a synonym for 'stay tuned'? If so, in what scenario?

Yes, 'await further instructions' can serve as a synonym for 'stay tuned,' particularly in formal or procedural contexts. This phrase is most appropriate in situations where an individual is expected to wait for detailed guidance or directives before taking action. For example, during emergency situations, drills, or when someone is part of a structured program or event requiring sequential instructions.

Is there a difference in tone or formality among the synonyms for 'stay tuned'?

Yes, there is a range in tone and formality among these synonyms. Phrases like 'keep watching' or 'keep listening' are casual and commonly used in the context of media consumption. 'Remain vigilant' has a more serious tone, often used in contexts requiring alertness and attention to detail. 'Await further instructions' is more formal and is typically used in official or structured settings. Understanding the context and audience is crucial in selecting the most appropriate synonym.