What is synonyms for impact

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The forceful contact between two objects, or a significant effect or influence on someone or something.

Synonyms of impact


As in effect or influence

Strongest matches:

- influence

- effect

- consequence

- outcome

- result

Weak matches:

- repercussion

- aftermath

- fallout


As in collision

Strongest matches:

- collision

- crash

- strike

- hit

Weak matches:

- bump

- knock

- smash

- clash


As in to influence or affect

Strongest matches:

- affect

- influence

- alter

- change

Weak matches:

- sway

- modify

- shape


As in to collide with

Strongest matches:

- collide

- crash

- strike

- hit

Weak matches:

- bump

- knock

- smash

- clash


insignificant effect, minor influence, negligible consequence, trivial effect, slight change

Usage examples:

1. The meteor's impact created a huge crater in the middle of the forest, changing the landscape forever.

2. The new government policy had a significant impact on the economy, boosting growth and reducing unemployment.

3. Her speech made a profound impact on the audience, leaving many deeply moved and inspired to take action.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'impact' when referring to an effect or influence?

A more formal synonym for 'impact' in the context of effect or influence would be 'consequence.' This term emphasizes the result or outcome of an action or event in a more formal or academic context.

Can 'affect' be used interchangeably with 'impact'?

Yes and no. While 'affect' and 'impact' can sometimes be used interchangeably, as both can refer to producing a change in something, 'affect' is typically used as a verb meaning to influence something, whereas 'impact' can be used both as a verb and a noun. It's important to consider the sentence structure and the precise meaning you want to convey.

What is a casual synonym for 'impact' that I could use in everyday conversation?

A casual synonym for 'impact' might be 'hit.' While 'hit' is less formal and has a broader range of meanings, in casual conversation, it can convey the idea of one thing having a significant effect on another, similar to 'impact.'

Is there a synonym for 'impact' that specifically refers to a negative effect?

Yes, 'detriment' is a synonym that leans more towards a negative effect. While 'impact' can be neutral, positive, or negative depending on the context, 'detriment' specifically implies harm or damage resulting from an action or event.