How to Speak English Fluently: 10 Things You Need To Do Each Day

Becoming fluent in a new language is always challenging, whether it’s your first, second, or third language. When you’re starting, the best thing to do is immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Finding time to fit foreign language study into a busy schedule is problematic. Still, if you commit to spending at least 30 minutes each day practicing English, you’ll be well on your way to becoming fluent. Read this article if you want to know how to speak English fluently – we’ll give you ten things to do daily.
What is Fluency in English?
To some people, fluency simply means being able to hold a conversation. For others, it might mean never making mistakes when speaking or writing. In reality, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Everyone has different goals and levels of ability, so what counts as fluent English will vary from person to person.
That said, there are specific skills that all English learners need to develop if they want to reach a high level of proficiency. These include:
- Grammar. To learn to speak English fluently, you need a good understanding of grammar rules. It doesn’t mean memorizing every rule; instead, it means having a general grasp of how the language works and using that knowledge intuitively when communicating with others.
- Vocabulary. Learning new words is essential if you want to expand your range of expression in English. A rich vocabulary also helps you avoid repeating yourself and sounding like a beginner.
- Pronunciation. If you cannot pronounce words clearly, people will have difficulty understanding you. It can lead to frustration on both your part and the part of those listening to you. Paying attention to pronunciation from the start will save you a lot of trouble down the line.
- Listening comprehension. You must understand the other person's words to carry on a conversation. It can be not easy, especially if you’re not used to listening to English for extended periods. However, practice will gradually improve your ability to follow along.
You might also want to consider other aspects of fluency, such as reading and writing skills. However, these are not essential for everyday conversation and can be developed separately from your speaking ability.
Fluency vs. Accuracy
When learning a new language, it’s essential to strike a balance between fluency and accuracy:
- Fluency is speaking or writing smoothly, quickly, and rapidly. When you’re fluent in a language, you can communicate your thoughts without having to stop and think about what you want to say.
- Accuracy is essential, too. It’s the ability to use the language correctly and make yourself understood. If you’re not accurate, people might not be able to understand what you’re trying to say.
One common mistake that English learners make is focusing too much on accuracy at the expense of fluency. It often happens when students spend hours memorizing grammar rules or vocabulary lists but don’t get enough practice using the language. As a result, their speech sounds stilted and unnatural, which makes communication difficult. The good news is that it’s possible to work on both fluency and accuracy simultaneously. With enough exposure and practice, your speaking will become more natural and accurate.
Benefits of Being Fluent in English
Aside from the apparent fact that learning a new language is good for your brain, there are many practical benefits to becoming fluent in English. These include:
- Better job prospects. In today’s globalized economy, being able to speak English gives you a serious advantage when applying for jobs. Many companies prefer candidates who can communicate fluently in English, making it easier to do business with clients and customers worldwide.
- Improved travel experiences. If you’re planning on visiting an English-speaking country or spending time in tourist areas of your city, knowing some English will make everything much more accessible. From ordering food and asking for directions to participating in activities and cultural events, speaking the local language will enhance your travel experience immeasurably.
- Greater cognitive abilities. Several studies have shown that bilingualism can improve your memory, problem-solving skills, and multitasking ability. If you want to keep your mind sharp as you get older, learning another language is a great way to do it!
- Enhanced social life. If you live in an English-speaking country or have friends who speak English, having a conversation in their language will make social interactions much more enjoyable. You’ll also be able to access a broader range of entertainment, such as movies, TV shows, books, and websites.
Indeed, these are not the only benefits of becoming fluent in English. However, they should give you a good idea of why it’s worth putting in the effort to become fluent in this global language.
How to Learn to Speak English Fluently: 10 Ways to Improve Your Speaking Skills
Now that you know what fluency entails, it’s time to start working on your skills. It will take time, effort, and consistency to improve, but if you follow these ten tips on how to improve speaking English fluently, we guarantee you’ll see progress. We’ll also provide tips on how to make the most of language learning opportunities.
1. Start Your Day with English
One of the best ways to fit English practice into your day is to do it first thing in the morning. It ensures that you carve out time for language learning and don’t let other activities get in the way.
There are many different things you can do with your morning English routine. One option is to spend 10-15 minutes reading an article or blog post in English. It allows you to brush up on grammar rules and expand your vocabulary while keeping things low-key at the start of the day.
If listening comprehension is your primary goal, try spending 5-10 minutes catching up on the news in English. Podcasts are also an excellent choice for morning listening practice; just make sure they’re not too long or challenging so that you don’t get discouraged before starting your day!
2. Talk to Yourself in English
One of the best things about how to talk more fluently is to start talking to yourself in the language. It may sound silly, but it’s a great way to get comfortable using new vocabulary and pronouncing words correctly.
Self-talk also forces you to slow down and think about what you’re saying, which can help prevent errors when speaking with others. Additionally, this activity allows you to practice thinking in English, which will be handy when participating in the conversation or giving presentations.
If self-talk feels too strange at first, try starting by muttering under your breath instead of speaking out loud. Once you get more comfortable with the idea, gradually increase the volume until you’re yelling at yourself! This simple exercise easily fits extra English practice into your day without even trying.
3. Keep an English Language Journal
Writing in a journal is a great way to improve your English language skills. It gives you regular practice with spelling and grammar and allows you to express yourself in detail without worrying about making mistakes or sounding foolish.
Also, try writing for at least 10-15 minutes on a topic of your choice. It can be anything that interests you, from your plans for the future to what you did yesterday afternoon. Make sure that whatever you write is in all English; no cheating by slipping in some words from your native tongue!
If you’re struggling with ideas, consider using prompts to help jumpstart your journaling sessions. For example, brainstorm a list of topics ahead of time and then randomly select one each day to write about. Alternatively, you can find online journaling prompts specifically designed for language learners.
4. Memorize examples with vocabulary words
A great way to expand your vocabulary is to memorize example sentences along with new words. It will help you remember how to speak fluently, use the word in context, and better understand its meaning. Additionally, seeing the word in different sentence structures will help prevent errors when using it yourself.
To make things easier, try focusing on one topic at a time and write out 5-10 example sentences for each vocabulary word related to that theme. For instance, if you’re learning about food, you could include phrases like "I’m going out for dinner" or "What’s your favorite type of cuisine?" Once you have your list ready, practice these sentences each day until they become second nature. You can mix things by saying them aloud, writing them down from memory, or testing yourself with flashcards!
5. Exercise your mouth muscles
Exercising your mouth muscles can help with pronunciation, one of the most challenging aspects of learning any new language. By ensuring that your tongue and lips are used to the movement required for specific sounds, you’ll be less likely to make mistakes when speaking.
Fortunately, you can do many easy exercises at home without special equipment. One popular option is to place a finger on your chin and say “ng” repeatedly; this helps get you used to the correct position for producing this sound. Another helpful activity is exaggeratedly enunciating consonants like “t” or “p” by saying them as loudly and clearly as possible.
You can also try looking in the mirror while performing these exercises to see exactly how your mouth should move. Just don’t get too caught up in what you look like – after all, no one else will be able to see you!
6. Copy a native speaker
One of the most important things you can do to learn how to talk English fluently is to find a role model. This is someone whose English-speaking skills you admire and would like to emulate.
Listening to native speakers is a great way to improve your speaking ability. But simply listening is not enough – you must also imitate what you hear to make progress.
Whenever possible, practice copying the pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation of native speakers. It will help your ear produce more accurate sounds when speaking English. Additionally, matching another speaker’s mannerisms will make it easier for people to understand you when communicating in real-life situations.
7. Learn Some Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters are short, rhyming phrases designed to be challenging to pronounce. While they may seem like nothing more than a child’s game, tongue twisters can be pretty helpful for language learners of all levels.
Since tongue twisters focus on specific sound combinations, they’re an excellent way to practice pronunciation. They can also help you get comfortable speaking quickly, which is often necessary for everyday conversation. Additionally, repeating tongue twisters aloud can help reduce your accent and make your speech sound more natural.
Some examples of popular English tongue twisters include:
- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck could chuck wood?
- How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
- She sells seashells by the seashore.
- How can a cat catch a rat if the rat ran right across the flat mat?
Of course, not all tongue twisters are created equal; some may be too difficult for beginners or focus on sounds that aren’t common in English. When choosing tongue twisters to learn, look for ones that use simple words and target the sounds you struggle with the most.
8. Think in English
One of the hardest things about learning a new language is thinking in that language instead of your native tongue. It can be complicated when you’re trying to speak spontaneously or participate in a conversation. However, it’s essential to make an effort to think in English as much as possible if you want to become fluent.
Try paying attention to your internal monologue throughout the day to start thinking in English. When you have a conversation with someone, think about what you would say in English before translating it into your native language. It may seem strange initially, but it will become easier with practice.
You can also use visualization exercises to help yourself think in English. For example, picturing yourself giving a presentation or having a conversation with friends can help you plan what you would say ahead of time. These mental exercises will make speaking spontaneously much more straightforward and help train your brain to think in the new language.
9. Read out Loud
Reading out loud is another excellent way to improve your English-speaking skills. As with self-talk, this activity forces you to slow down and think about what you’re saying. Additionally, it’s a great way to work on pronunciation and overcome the fear of reading aloud in front of others.
Choose a piece of writing that corresponds to your skill level. If it’s too complicated, you’ll get frustrated and be unable to focus on proper pronunciation. Start by reading a few sentences out loud; then gradually increase the length until you’re comfortable reading an entire paragraph or page without stopping. Once you’ve mastered that, try moving on to longer articles or even chapters from books!
10. Learn Synonyms
One of the keys to sounding like a native speaker is using different words to express yourself. It doesn’t mean you need to memorize huge vocabulary lists, but knowing different words with the same meaning is helpful. That way, you can choose the perfect term based on context and your audience.
For example, “big” can be replaced with “huge,” “massive,” or “gigantic,” depending on what you’re trying to say. Likewise, there are many ways to say “nice,” including phrases like “cool,” “great,” and “awesome.”
Learning synonyms is also helpful for expanding your English vocabulary in general. You’ll start noticing new words and phrases when listening to conversations or reading texts by thinking about how different terms could be used interchangeably. As a result, your vocabulary will grow naturally without much effort!
How long Does It Take to Speak English Fluently?
This is a difficult question to answer, as it depends on many factors, such as your prior knowledge of English, how much time you’re willing to dedicate to study, and which methods you use.
If you already have a basic understanding of the language (i.e., you can get by in simple conversations), becoming fluent will probably take several months to a year of consistent effort. However, if English is entirely new to you or you only studied it briefly in the past, it could take significantly longer.
In any case, don’t be discouraged – even if it takes years to reach your goals, data suggests that most people continue improving their fluency indefinitely, regardless of how long they’ve been studying the language.
How to Get Most Out of These Activities to Speak English Fluently
Although the activities are important, knowing how to get the most out of them is also essential. To improve your chances of success, we suggest a few tips to help you make the most of your time and effort.
Make a Daily Plan
When trying to learn English fluently, it’s helpful to have a plan. Plotting out your activities in advance ensures you use your time efficiently and don’t get sidetracked by less important tasks.
Your daily English plan doesn’t need to be complicated; simply decide what you want to focus on each day and set aside some dedicated time to work on those skills. For example, Monday might be devoted to grammar practice, while Tuesday is reserved for vocabulary-building exercises. Alternatively, you could spend 30 minutes daily doing different activities to cover all the necessary skills over the week.
Choosing activities that are equal to your skill level; otherwise, they will be either too easy or too difficult and won’t help you improve much. It’s better to do a few things well than try (and fail) at many different things!
Make the most of technology
These days, there are many excellent language learning tools at your fingertips or on your phone. You can use these resources to supplement your other activities and get even more out of your study time.
For example, try using a flashcard app if you have trouble remembering new vocabulary words. These programs allow you to create digital flashcards with English words and definitions; you can then use the quizzing feature to test yourself on the material. There are also many different apps available for grammar practice; Grammarly is one option that can help you identify and correct errors in your writing.
There are also plenty of websites that offer free language learning resources. For example, BBC Learning English is an excellent site for beginners who want to improve their speaking and listening skills. The British Council also offers many activities and games designed to help learners master the English language.
Of course, technology isn’t perfect; it’s essential not to rely too heavily on computers and mobile devices for language learning. Nothing beats good old-fashioned human interaction when it comes to becoming fluent in a new language!
Set specific goals
Setting specific goals to measure your progress is crucial when learning a new language. These could be short-term objectives, such as memorizing ten new vocabulary words by the end of the week. Or, they might be longer-term targets, such as holding a basic conversation in English after two months of study.
No matter your goals, make sure they are achievable and realistic; otherwise, you’ll likely get discouraged and give up before reaching them. It’s also helpful to break down significant goals into smaller milestones, so they don’t seem daunting. For example, if your ultimate goal is fluency in English conversation within one year’s time frame, then some intermediate steps may include:
- In 3 months: introduce yourself and ask simple questions in English.
- In 6 months: hold basic conversations on common topics such as the weather, my family, and hobbies.
- In 9 months: be confident in speaking English fluently with native speakers and have no significant problems communicating my thoughts or understanding others.
It may look like a lot of work, but remember that you don’t have to accomplish all these overnight. Learning a new language takes time and patience, so give yourself credit for every small victory!
Focus on English Fluency, Not Grammar
One of English learners’ most significant mistakes is focusing too much on grammar rules. While it’s essential to have a strong foundation in grammar, spending all your time memorizing conjugation tables and exception lists isn’t going to help you speak fluently.
Applying all of your grammatical knowledge while speaking will likely do more harm than good, as it will slow you down and prevent you from thinking creatively. It’s better to focus on communicating your thoughts and ideas rather than worrying about whether or not you’re using the perfect verb tense.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should completely ignore grammar; just don’t let it become a crutch that holds back your progress. If you make a mistake while speaking, don’t sweat it! The goal is to be understood, not perfectly accurate.
Prepare for Specific Situations
One way to become more confident and fluent in English is to prepare for specific speaking situations. It could involve role-playing conversations with a friend, coming up with answers to common interview questions, or practicing your accent reduction skills.
The key is choosing activities tailored to your needs and goals to get the most out of them. If you’re unsure where to start, try looking online for resources designed for language learners. For example, many websites provide sample dialogues or conversation topics suited for different levels of English fluency.
Want to Learn How to Speak English Fluently? Promova Will Help
Everyone learns differently. Some people prefer to study on their own, while others do better in a more structured setting with professional guidance. If you’re unsure how to learn English fluently, consider enrolling in a language course.
Promova offers both group and individual classes, so you can choose the option that best suits your needs. We also provide a variety of courses, including conversation classes, grammar lessons, and exam preparation. At Promova, you’ll be able to learn at your own pace in a supportive environment. Some other our advantages include:
- Professional tutors. Our tutors are all native English speakers with years of experience teaching the language. They’ll be able to help you overcome any obstacles you encounter and reach your goals. For instance, if you’re having trouble with grammar, they can explain the rules in a way that makes sense to you. They also know which resources will be most helpful for you and can recommend books, websites, and apps that suit your level and needs.
- Dedicated app for learning on the go. Promova also provides an app for English learners. With the app, you can practice your speaking, listening, and writing skills on the go. The app includes lots of fun and interactive exercises and a comprehensive dictionary. You can also use the app to set goals and track your progress.
- Flexible class times. We understand that our students have busy schedules, so we offer flexible class times. Whether you’re a morning person or need to study in the evening, we have a time slot that will work for you.
- A supportive community. When you enroll in one of our courses, you’ll also become part of a supportive community of English learners. You’ll be able to practice your speaking skills with other students and get feedback from your peers. Additionally, our tutors are always available to answer any questions you have outside of class.
With Promova, becoming fluent in English is easy and convenient, which makes learning more enjoyable! You can start taking classes today and see your speaking skills improve in no time.
Thanks to this article, you can learn how to speak English fluently. It takes time and effort, but it’s possible with enough motivation. The best way to progress is to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible and practice regularly. Try to do something related to English every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. No matter what methods you use, the important thing is that you take some time each day to focus on becoming a better speaker. You’ll be surprised how quickly your skills improve with enough practice and dedication!
What are some benefits of being fluent in English?
There are a lot of benefits! You’ll be able to participate fully in society, get a better job, and make new friends. You’ll also have a richer cultural experience when traveling or watching movies and TV shows. Moreover, if you’re fluent in English, you’ll be able to learn other languages more easily.
What is the best way to become fluent in English?
There’s no single answer to the question of how to speak more fluently. However, the best way to become fluent is to live in an English-speaking country or spend a lot of time with native speakers. If that’s not possible, you can still progress by studying regularly and using technology to create practice opportunities.
How long does it take to become fluent in English?
If you wonder how I can speak English fluently and how long it will take, it depends on your starting point and how much time and effort you’re willing to put in. Generally speaking, it takes around six months to a year of consistent study to become proficient in English.
What resources are available to help me become fluent in English?
There are lots of resources available to help you learn English, both online and offline. You can find textbooks, dictionaries, grammar books, and websites dedicated to assisting learners in reaching their goals. Many apps can help practice specific skills such as listening or vocabulary building.