Elite And Upper-Class Vocabulary from Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story on Netflix

Dearest Gentle Reader, a beautiful moment you have been waiting for months has finally arrived (we hope you read that with a proper English accent). On May 10th, 2023, Netflix dropped the long-awaited Bridgeron spin-off, Queen Charlotte of England. So naturally, we couldn't miss this fine opportunity to learn something from such a masterpiece. And since Lady Whistledown kindly informed us that Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story is not a history lesson but fiction inspired by facts, we decided to focus on it in terms of language. We mean, where else can you hear such beautiful English from the previous centuries except for the Crown? So, let's get down to business without further delay, shall we?
Why Promova Recommends Learning English With Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story Quotes
When English learners start looking for a new TV series to watch to improve their language skills, they get lost in the sea of good and bad content. It happens every time! Of course, they can ask for advice from a friend or colleague. However, finding a suitable TV series that will challenge your English can become quite a task for advanced English learners. Why? First, they already know a lot of words. Second, their ears get used to the chosen pronunciation so they can understand and keep up with the characters' speech. Third, English that we all can hear in most TV series is pretty casual. Screenwriters must use the sentence structures and vocabulary that people tap into daily. Otherwise, it won't be true to life, and the audience won't be engaged. So, if you want to challenge your English and learn something new regarding the language, we recommend paying attention to tv series where the story unfolds back in the past. Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story would be a perfect choice.
What is so magical about English in Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story? Is the fuss worth the effort?
- Vocabulary. Words and phrases used in the 18th-19th century differ greatly from what people implement in their speech now. In a digitalized world, we came to the concept of simplifying our speech and shortening words. That is the reason we have so many acronyms, IYKYK. However, it wasn't always like that. At the time of great balls in England, high-class society didn't need to rush. They could talk for hours – women were gossiping, sipping an English tea, gentlemen were discussing some serious matters having brandy. The words and phrases you will hear in the series will help expand your vocabulary significantly. Not all of them can be applied in today's conversations. Nonetheless, a significant majority will allow to read and write various texts in English.
- Sentence structures. As mentioned, royals and their close circle didn't make haste when speaking. They carefully pronounced every word, followed by another carefully pronounced word. And what is more important, those words were forming different sentences from what we have now. They tend to refer to themselves in the third person instead of the first person. And there is no big secret behind this phenomenon. It was simply a sign of good manners. Also, people at that time were extremely polite. That is why many of the sentences ended with "shall we." Another thing is that they refused to be direct, especially speaking publicly. So, they used covert sentences to express their true intentions more discreetly.
- English accent. Even though Queen Charlotte of England in the Netflix series is from Germany, she speaks with Received Pronunciation, better known as the Queen's English. This accent stands out because it is well-articulated and clear. People in the UK often call Received Pronunciation the "standard" English accent. Its most distinguishing characteristics are the silent 'r' at the end of words and the long-sounding A in such words as "bath" and "dance." Listening to the English accent in Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, you can improve your own accent. Just shadow everything you hear and try to mirror all the sounds correctly. It will take some time to achieve perfection. But, who knows, maybe you will be called a diamond of the season regarding your English accent.
Remember that you can always practice vocabulary from popular tv series with Promova, a one-stop solution for all language learning needs. Our app has a special course English with TV Series, where you can find bite-sized lessons with vocabulary from iconic tv series such as Friends, Gossip Girls, Desperate Housewives, etc. Also, you can learn English with your favorite tv series when enrolled in one of our tutoring programs. Promova offers group and individual lessons with certified native-like English teachers who tailor their classes to your needs and interests. We advocate for personalized language learning, so you can count on us on any topic you choose for English learning.
Vocabulary From Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
Was Queen Charlotte black? Was King George mad? What was the true story of Queen Charlotte and King George? Those are questions that people start googling after watching the limited Netflix series Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story. But those questions have nothing to do with the beautiful English we can all hear in this masterpiece. That is why Promova took this into its hands. We've created a list of Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story vocabulary. So please, enjoy it with grace.
Episode 1 Queen to Be
To gaze upon – to look at something or someone for a long time
Art can be beautiful to gaze upon.
A gown – a long dress worn by ladies in previous centuries
Bespoke – made for a particular person
If that is not enough, the gown sits atop a bespoke underpinning made of whalebone.
In display – for people to see
Ludicrous – foolish and absurd
And because I must arrive in display, I am forced into a ludicrous gown.
Diligent – steady and careful
I believe if I'm diligent with my movements.
To impale – to pierce with a sharp instrument
I will bounce, and I will impale myself on this ridiculous corset and bleed to death.
Hearty – warm-hearted
Your husband is quite hearty.
Treasonous – guilty of the betrayal
It's treasonous to interrupt my beauty sleep.
Galling – annoying, humiliating
A crisis one can only imagine that Queen Charlotte must find galling after ruling over the matchmaking efforts of the ton and the marriage mart with such an iron fist.
To gawk – to stare openly and stupidly
Do not gawk like a peasant.
Impertinent – rude, disrespectful
Oh, well, that is impertinent.
In distress – very upset
I'm a lady in distress.
To tower over – to be higher than people or things near you
It towers over us.
Incomparable - matchless
You are incomparable.
A cloak – an outdoor overgarment
You should need your cloak.
To withdraw – to remove or take away from a particular place or position
May I withdraw, Your Majesty?
Zealous – marked by passionate support for someone or something
Mother, I think you are being a bit zealous.
Episode 2 Honeymoon Bliss
To do the deed – to have sex
Has he done the deed or not?
A virtue - behavior showing high moral standards
Patience is not always a virtue.
To reap benefits - to get all the good things that come with something
The passage of time does not always reap benefits.
Bits - a person's sexual organs (British slang)
I believe his bits to be fine.
A brothel – a house with prostitutes
I thought you were visiting a brothel.
To be smitten with – to be deeply affected with
He is smitten with her beauty.
To embroider - to decorate with needlework
I was embroidering a pillow.
A plethora - a large or excessive amount of something
Love solves a plethora of issues.
To elaborate on – to present in detail
Please, elaborate on your meeting with the Queen.
To bestow upon – to present as a gift
The one you were kind enough to bestow upon me.
Episode 3 Even Days
A farce – an absurd event
Then why did mother call it a farce?
Crooked – twisted out of shape
Sit still, or I will braid your hair crooked.
This instant - immediately
Stop talking this instant.
To shriek – to shout and scream
Why are you shrieking?
To be long on the shelf – to be not active socially
Most of the daughters of our own Queen Charlotte and King George are long on the shelf, gathering dust.
A spinster – an unmarried older woman
So many spinsters, so little time.
To feel the sting – to feel a sharp pain
A have-not – a poor group of people
Her Majesty must be feeling the sting of being a have-not.
To cease – to come to an end
The sooner you are with child, the sooner we can cease this performance.
To dangle – to hang or swing loosely
They dangle joy in front of me and never let me grasp it.
To grind to a halt – to gradually slow down
Government is grinding to a halt.
A ruse – a trick
I thought perhaps it was a ruse, but every day he marches into that garden.
Simpering - to smile in a silly or annoying way
You are not some simpering girl.
To mingle – to get involved
They are not mingling.
To disdain – to consider to be unworthy of one's consideration
Lord Danbury disdained orphans.
To loathe – to dislike or disgust
I loathed.
Episode 4 Holding the King
To speak plainly – to speak freely
Speak plainly.
To brook – to tolerate
We cannot brook obstacles any more.
A quack - a fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill
Your Highness, this quack has no place among proper doctors.
To cast a wider net - to involve a large number of things or people in what you are doing
I have to cast a wider net.
To remedy – to set right
If your bride is missing it's your responsibility to remedy that.
To feel myself to the task - to have the ability, motivation, and desire to do something difficult
I might feel myself to the task.
To be cross with – to be angry and annoyed
Will he be cross with her?
At hand - nearby
I am near at hand for whatever Your Majesty feels a fit coming on.
An obedience – a willing to obey
As such, you are used to the obedience of others.
A solitude - the state or situation of being alone
We require solitude.
Salubrious - healthy
You have never known the salubrious powers of Spartan habits.
To range – to vary or extend between specified limits
Your mind ranges indisciplined.
To govern - to control, direct, or strongly influence the actions and conduct of
If you cannot govern yourself you should not govern others.
To mold – to shape
I will mold you until you are as harmless and obedient as he is.
To cart around – to transport
It is a prodigious quantity of ice they keep carting around here.
A decorum – an etiquette
Abandoning her honeymoon chambers in violation of all custom and decorum, not to mention my direct order.
A rogue - a dishonest or unprincipled person
One would hate to think a spy had penetrated Your Majesty's circle to say nothing of rogues, charlatans, and petty thieves.
A larder – a room for storing food
To fetch – to go after and bring back
I am afraid my larder may not rate with Your Majesty's usual fare, but I could run and fetch a crust of bread or some stew.
Capricious – impulsive
You give free rein to your most capricious urges.
Deficient – lacking something
I thought that somehow I was deficient, when he is mad.
To scour – to search
You would scour Europe for a queen grateful enough to aid him.
Insolence – rude and disrespectful behavior
To know no bounds – to have no limits
Your insolence truly knows no bounds.
To perch – to sit or make someone sit
A pinnacle – a high point
You are unhappy with your situation, perched at the pinnacle of power.
Episode 5 Gardens in Bloom
A countenance – a person's face or facial expression
To evince – to indicate
Her Majesty's countenance lately evinces little pleasure.
To impend – to be about to happen
Connubial – relating to marriage
A bliss – a perfect happiness
One wonders whether impending connubial bliss has shone a lush on Her Majesty's own isolation.
To abut – to touch or lean on
We abut.
To ramble – to walk for pleasure
You are merely rambling.
To bind to – to tie tightly
You propose to bind them to complete strangers.
To stomp around - to walk, dance, or move with heavy steps
She is stomping around the house, looking like a cloud of thunder.
To surpass – to exceed
The student surpasses her master.
To ripen – to mature
I see you ripens there fruit of England.
To teeter on - to appear to be about to fall while moving or standing
I fear the Queen teeters on disaster.
Querulous - complaining
If querulous foreigners would say out of my way and understand how important it is that Queen Charlotte's disappearance be handled with discretion.
Episode 6 Crown Jewels
To contemplate – to think about
I'm contemplating starting a new.
To conquer - overcome and take control of something
Can a mother's love conquer all?
Utterly - absolutely
You have to tell me that I'm utterly alone in this world.
Unimpeachable - unquestionable
Perhaps one day, she will have an unimpeachable reputation much like yours.
Amiss - not quite right
There is something amiss with the King.
To be in jeopardy – to be in danger
There is talk that the Palace is in jeopardy.
To bode well – to be a sign that something good happen
Your silence does not bode well for you.
To spare a glance - to look quickly at someone or something
She hardly spares me a glance.
To plague - cause continual trouble or distress to
I do not want to know your burdens or hear what problems plague your life.
To be thwarted under - to oppose successfully
They are thwarted under here.
To be courted - be involved with romantically, typically with the intention of marrying
She has been courted.
Odious - disgusting
Ramsay is odious.
To rustle - to move swiftly and energetically
What are you doing rustling about here?