Angel vs Angle
What’s the difference between them?

An angel is a supernatural being in various religions, typically depicted as having a divine role and possessing superhuman powers or qualities.
1. My mom is my guardian angel, always looking out for me.
2. The angel's wings were pure white and glowed in the moonlight.
3. The angel appeared in the sky, its beauty captivating the crowd.
An angle is the figure formed by two lines or rays diverging from a common point. It is measured in degrees, radians, or gradians.
1.I need to adjust the angle of the mirror so I can see my reflection better.
2.The angle of the sun created a beautiful shadow on the wall.
3.The angle of the triangle is equal to 180 degrees.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Angel", "Angle".

1. Angel is a noun that refers to a celestial being, or a person who is kind and helpful.
2. Angle is a noun that refers to the shape formed when two lines intersect or the direction of one line from another.
3. Use a mnemonic, 'An angel from heaven has a halo, while an angle is all about the elbow.'
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word 'Angel'?
The word 'angel' is used to refer to a benevolent, supernatural being in many different religions, or an individual who acts in a kind or helpful way. It is also sometimes used figuratively to describe a person of extraordinary beauty or talent. The phrase 'the angel on my shoulder' is a common expression to refer to a person who provides guidance and support.
When to use the second word 'Angle'?
The word 'angle' is used to refer to a shape formed by two lines that meet at a point. It is also used to describe the measure of this shape, typically in degrees or radians. Additionally, the word can be used to refer to an area that has two intersecting walls or the point of view someone is coming from when they give an opinion.
Do the words 'angel' and 'angle' have the same pronunciation?
No, the words 'angel' and 'angle' do not have the same pronunciation. The word 'angel' is pronounced with a soft ‘g’ sound, like in 'age. The word 'angle' is pronounced with a hard ‘g’ sound, like in 'grey.'
What are common mistakes associated with words 'angel' and 'angle'?
One of the most common mistakes associated with these words is that they are spelled similarly. Additionally, people often forget that 'angle' can be used to refer to the point of view someone is coming from when they give an opinion. Another common mistake is to use 'angel' to refer to a geometrical shape, when 'angle' is the correct word for this purpose.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. To measure the ________ of a triangle, draw a line from one corner to the other.
2. The ________ of the suns rays is very important for plants to grow.
3. We need to ________ our investments in order to make more money.
4. She has an ________ face; her beauty is breathtaking.
5. The ________ in the painting seems to be looking directly at us.
6. We can ________ the camera to get the best view of the landscape.
1. Angle.
Explanation: The word angle is being used to describe the shape formed by two intersecting lines.
2. Angle.
Explanation: The word angle is being used to describe the direction of the suns rays and how they affect the growth of plants.
3. Angel.
Explanation: The word angel is being used here to describe someone who provides financial or business support.
4. Angle.
Explanation: The word angel is being used to describe the beauty of the womans face.
5. Angel.
Explanation: The word angel is being used to describe the subject of the painting, which is an angel.
6. Angle.
Explanation: The word angle is being used to describe the direction in which the camera is pointed.
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