What part of speech is “yesterday”

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A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. 'Yesterday' is considered a noun because it is something that can be referenced. It can refer to a specific point in the past, or to a period of time. It can be used as a measure of time or can refer to events that occurred at a certain time in the past.

In regards to use cases, 'yesterday' can be used almost the same as any other noun. It can be the subject of a sentence, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition.

1. Yesterday was a beautiful day.

2. I haven't seen him since yesterday.

When using 'yesterday' as a noun, it is important to remember that it should only refer to the past. Additionally, when used as the subject of a sentence, it should be followed by a helping verb. For example, 'Yesterday was a beautiful day,' rather than 'Yesterday a beautiful day.'


'yesterday' is used to indicate that an action or event occurred on the day before today. It modifies a verb to specify the timing of the action.

'Yesterday' is used to specify that an action or event took place on the day immediately preceding today.

I saw her yesterday.

The package arrived yesterday.

They left yesterday for their vacation.

When 'yesterday' is used as an adverb, it often emphasizes the immediacy of the past event in relation to today. 'Yesterday' is a specific time adverb, so it usually doesn't appear in sentences with other time indicators that might contradict it, such as 'last week' or 'next year.' Be cautious not to use 'yesterday' when referring to a day that is not immediately before today. For example, saying 'I visited him yesterday' when you actually visited him two days ago would be incorrect.

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