Below vs Bellow
What’s the difference between them?

Below means in a lower position relative to something else, or lower in number or amount than something else.
1. She placed the book below the pile of papers.
2. The temperature is five degrees below zero.
3. Please find the instructions below.
Bellow is a loud, deep sound made by a person or animal, often as a release of strong emotion such as anger or fear.
1. The bull's deep bellow echoed through the valley.
2. The teacher bellowed instructions to the students.
3. The angry mob bellowed insults at the politician.
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Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Below", "Bellow".

1. Below is an adverb that means 'in or to a lower place' or 'further down.'
2. Mnemonic tip: Think of the phrase 'to be low,' to remember that something is located under.
3. Bellow is a verb that means 'to shout or yell loudly.'
4. Mnemonic tip: Think of the deep, loud sound that a bellow (as in a bull) makes.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word?
The word 'below' is used to describe a lower position or level, either physically or figuratively. For example, 'the sun was below the horizon' or 'he is below the rank of captain'. Additionally, the word 'below' can be used to describe a numerical value that is lower than something else, such as 'the value of the stock is below what it was last month'.
When to use the second word?
The word 'bellow' is typically used to describe a loud, deep sound or cry. It is usually used in the form of a verb, as in 'he bellowed in pain' or 'the lion bellowed across the savannah'. Additionally, the word 'bellow' can be used to describe an act of speaking in a loud, aggressive manner, as in 'she bellowed at me to leave'.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
No, the two words do not have the same pronunciation. The word 'below' is pronounced as /bɪˈloʊ/, while 'bellow' is pronounced as /ˈbel.oʊ/.
What are common mistakes associated with 'below', 'bellow'?
One of the most common mistakes with these two words is confusing them when writing or speaking. Additionally, some people may use the word 'below' when they mean 'bellow', such as 'he belowed in pain'. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the pronunciation difference between the two words to avoid confusion.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The flowers grew __ the window sill.
2. __ing loudly, the dog barked at the passing mail truck.
3. She had to duck __ to avoid the low-hanging branch.
4. The baby __ed in delight when she saw her dad.
5. The water level fell __ the acceptable limit.
6. We could just make out the sound of the river __ing in the distance.
1. below.
Explanation: The word below is used to refer to a lower position or level than a specified one.
2. bellow.
Explanation: The word bellowing is used to describe a loud, deep, and prolonged roar or shout.
3. below.
Explanation: The word below is used to refer to a lower position or level than a specified one.
4. bellow.
Explanation: The word bellowed is used to describe a loud, deep, and prolonged roar or shout.
5. below.
Explanation: The word below is used to refer to a lower position or level than a specified one.
6. bellow.
Explanation: The word bellowing is used to describe a loud, deep, and prolonged roar or shout.
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