What part of speech is “them”

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a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun (or noun phrase) in a sentence. The pronoun 'them' functions as the object of a verb or a preposition

it usually refers to persons or animals, and can be used in both singular and plural forms.

when using it as a third-person plural pronoun to refer to a group of two or more persons, it is grammatically correct to use 'them' instead of the pronoun 'they'; for example, 'I met them in the park.' This rule is applicable regardless of the gender of the people being referred to; for example, 'They were so happy to see them' is used instead of 'They were so happy to see they.' A second use case is when 'them' is used as an object pronoun to replace the object of a verb; for example, 'She invited them to the party.' A third use case is when 'them' is used as an object pronoun to replace the object of a preposition; for example, 'I gave it to them.'

1. The teacher gave them homework to finish over the weekend.

2. She asked them to help her move.

3. We sent our regards to them.

when using 'them' as a pronoun, it is important to remember that it is always the object of the verb or preposition. There are some instances where people mistakenly use 'their' instead of 'them' or 'they'; however, 'their' is a possessive pronoun and should not be used to replace either 'them' or 'they.' It is also important to remember that 'them' is used regardless of the gender of the people being referred to, and should not be replaced with 'he' or 'she' when referring to multiple people.

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