Equal vs Equitable
What’s the difference between them?

Equal: having the same quantity, size, or measure as another; the same in amount, degree, or value.
1. Everyone should have equal access to resources.
2. We should all be treated as equals.
3. We must strive for equal rights for all.
Fair and impartial.
1. The court ruled that the distribution of the inheritance should be equitable for all parties.
2. We strive to create an equitable balance between work and leisure for all employees.
3. The school district is dedicated to ensuring equitable access to resources for all students.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Equivalent
2. Even
3. Identical
4. Coequal
5. On a par with
1. Unequal
2. Inequitable
3. Disproportionate
4. Inferior
5. Dissimilar
1. Fair
2. Just
3. Impartial
4. Even-Handed
5. Evenly Distributed
1. Unequal
2. Discriminatory
3. Inequitable
4. Unfair
5. Injustice
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Equal", "Equitable".

1. Equal and equitable are similar but not identical. Equal means having the same quantity, size, or measure as another, while equitable means fair and impartial.
2. A helpful mnemonic to remember the difference between equal and equitable is: 'Equal is a quantity and equitable is a quality.'
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Frequently asked questions
When should the word 'equal' be used?
'Equal' should be used when describing two or more things that have the same quantity, size or measure. This could range from two items of the same weight or size, two people with the same job role, or two countries with the same population.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'equitable'?
'Equitable' should be used when describing something that is fair and impartial. This could refer to a fair and just distribution of resources, a legal decision that treats two parties equally, or a work environment that has the same opportunities for all.
Do the two words 'equal' and 'equitable' share the same pronunciation?
No, the two words 'equal' and 'equitable' do not share the same pronunciation. 'Equal' is pronounced 'EE-kwuhl' while 'equitable' is pronounced 'EK-wuh-tuh-buhl'.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake people make when using 'equal' and 'equitable' is to incorrectly interchange them. While 'equal' is used to describe something that is the same in quantity, size, or measure, 'equitable' is used to describe something that is fair and impartial. Another mistake people make is to assume that the words are pronounced the same; 'equal' is pronounced 'EE-kwuhl' while 'equitable' is pronounced 'EK-wuh-tuh-buhl'.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. Everyone should be treated with _______ respect, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or social class.
2. Under the _______ system of taxation, the government collects the same percentage of taxes from all citizens.
3. We expected the judges to render an _______ verdict.
4. All players should be given _______ playing time during the game.
5. The distribution of resources was _______ among all the members of the organization.
6. The new program has been designed to ensure _______ access to education for all children.
1. Equal
Explanation: Equal respect means treating everyone with the same level of respect regardless of any personal characteristics.
2. Equitable
Explanation: Equitable taxation means that all citizens are taxed the same percentage of their income.
3. Equal
Explanation: An equal verdict means the judgement rendered is consistent and awards the same level of benefits or punishments to all involved parties.
4. Equal
Explanation: Equal playing time means that all players are given the same amount of time to participate and compete in the game.
5. Equitable
Explanation: Equitable distribution means that the resources are divided in a fair and balanced way among all members of the organization.
6. Equal
Explanation: Equal access means that all children are given the same opportunity to access the education program.
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