Half-Mast vs Half-Staff
What’s the difference between them?

The position of a flag when it is flown with the top of the flag halfway up the flagpole, usually as a sign of mourning.
1. The flags on the ships in the harbor were all flying at half-mast in remembrance of those lost in the battle.
2. The President ordered all flags in the nation to be flown at half-mast in honor of the fallen soldier.
3. The mayor instructed the city to hang flags at half-mast in honor of the victims of the tragedy.
The position of a flag when it is flown with the top of the flag halfway up the flagpole, usually as a sign of mourning.
1. At the national memorial, the flags were flying at half-staff in remembrance of those who had passed.
2. We lowered the flag to half-staff to mark the passing of a beloved member of the community.
3. The governor has ordered flags to be flown at half-staff until further notice.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Fly at half staff
2. Hanging at a lower point
3. Drooping
4. Lowered
5. At its lowest point
1. Full Staff
2. Fly at Full Height
3. Raised to Full Height
4. All the Way Up
5. Maximal Height
1. At Half-Mast
2. Lowered
3. Subdued
4. Diminished
5. Abbreviated Height
1. Full-Staff
2. Maximum-Elevation
3. At-Attention
4. Raised
5. At-the-Top
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Half-Mast", "Half-Staff".

1. In the U.S., the term 'Half-Mast' is used.
2. In the U.K. and many Commonwealth countries, the term 'Half-Staff' is used.
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Frequently asked questions
When is the appropriate context for using the first word, 'Half-Mast'?
Half-Mast is a term used to describe the lowering of a flag typically during times of mourning or remembrance. It is typically seen on holidays such as Memorial Day, Veterans Day, or the day of death of someone of importance.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word, 'Half-Staff'?
Half-Staff is similar to Half-Mast, as it typically refers to the lowering of a flag in many of the same contexts as Half-Mast. However, typically Half-Staff is mostly used in British English.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, half-mast is pronounced /ˌhæfˈmæst/, while half-staff is pronounced /hæf'stæf/.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One of the most common mistakes people make when using these terms is confusing them. Half-Mast is typically used in times of remembrance or mourning, while Half-Staff can also be used to refer to times of distress or sad news. Additionally, many people may forget to raise the flag back to full staff after the time of mourning or distress has passed.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. In the United Kingdom, flags are flown at _______ to show respect for a deceased notable person.
2. The White House ordered all flags to be at _______ after the tragedy.
3. During the memorial service in London, the Union Jack was raised to _______.
4. When a President of the United States dies, flags across the country are flown at _______.
5. Its a tradition in many countries to fly the national flag at _______ upon the death of a head of state.
6. After hearing the sad news, they immediately lowered their flag to _______.
1. Answer: half-staff
Explanation: The clue in the United Kingdom indicates that British English is to be used, making half-staff the correct term.
2. Answer: half-mast
Explanation: The reference to The White House implies American English usage, making half-staff the appropriate term.
3. Answer: half-staff
Explanation: During the memorial service in London provides a clue that British English should be used, so half-staff is the correct choice.
4. Answer: half-mast
Explanation: The context about the death of a President of the United States makes half-mast the American English term to use.
5. Answer: half-mast/half-staff
Explanation: There is no specific clue in the sentence that points to British or American English, so both terms are accepted.
6. Answer: half-mast/half-staff
Explanation: This sentence also lacks a clear geographical reference, so either term could be used.
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