Roll out vs Rollout
What’s the difference between them?

Roll out
verb; to launch or introduce (something) gradually, often over a period of time.
1. The company is rolling out a new product next week.
2. The chef rolled out the dough to make the pizza crust.
3. The military is rolling out a new strategy to combat terrorism.
noun; the introduction or implementation of a new product, service, system, or process in a planned or phased manner.
1) The company is planning a nationwide rollout of the product next month.
2) The team worked hard to ensure a successful rollout of the new feature.
3) The rollout of the new policy was met with resistance from the staff.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
Roll out
1. Unroll
2. Deploy
3. Launch
4. Introduce
5. Put into effect
1. Roll in
2. Retract
3. Conclude
4. Put away
5. Come to a halt.
1. Deployment
2. Introduction
3. Implementation
4. Establishment
5. Launch
1. Withdrawal
2. Retraction
3. Repudiate
4. Recall
5. Reversal
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Roll out", "Rollout".

1. Use mnemonic phrase for 'roll out': a rolling stone gathers no moss.
2. Use mnemonic phrase for 'rollout': Let the rollout begin!
3. Think of the phrase 'roll out' as 'unrolling' something.
4. Think of the phrase 'rollout' as 'launching' something.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word, 'roll out', be used?
The phrase 'roll out' is typically used when referring to a planned release or launch of a product, service, campaign, or other initiative. It implies a coordinated process that is implemented in stages. It can also refer to the unveiling or introduction of something that is new.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word, 'rollout'?
The word 'rollout' is commonly used as a noun to refer to the process of rolling out something new. It can also be used as a verb to describe the act of implementing or launching the product, service, or initiative.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, the two words share the same pronunciation. Both words are pronounced with a short 'o' sound and end in a schwa sound.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake people make is using the phrase 'roll out' instead of 'rollout' when referring to the process of introducing something new. Additionally, people sometimes use the words interchangeably without considering the context or implications of each phrase. It is important to understand the difference between the two and use them appropriately.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. We need to ensure a successful ___________ of the new product next month.
2. Before we ___________ the new software, we need to perform some tests.
3. The ___________ of the new policy has been delayed until next year.
4. We need to provide a detailed ___________ plan for the project.
5. The ___________ of the new product was a great success.
6. Please ensure that you follow the ___________ instructions exactly.
1. We need to ensure a successful rollout of the new product next month.
Explanation: The word rollout is a noun which refers to the introduction or release of a product or policy.
2. Before we roll out the new software, we need to perform some tests.
Explanation: The verb roll out means to introduce or release something, and in this case it refers to the software.
3. The rollout of the new policy has been delayed until next year.
Explanation: The noun rollout refers to the introduction or release of a policy, which has been delayed until next year.
4. We need to provide a detailed rollout plan for the project.
Explanation: The noun rollout refers to a plan which outlines the steps and procedures for the introduction or release of a product or policy.
5. The rollout of the new product was a great success.
Explanation: The noun rollout means release of something, and in this case it refers to the product.
6. Please ensure that you follow the rollout instructions exactly.
Explanation: The noun rollout refers to the instructions which outlines the steps and procedures for the introduction or release of a product or policy.
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