Panic past tense
Meaning of panic
to be overcome with sudden fear or anxiety.

- 1. Every time she hears a loud noise, she panics and looks for a place to hide.
- 2. He always panics when he loses his phone, even if it's just for a few minutes.
- 3. When it comes to public speaking, many people panic at the thought of standing in front of a crowd.

Past Simple
- 1. When she realized she had lost her keys, she panicked and searched frantically.
- 2. The crowd panicked when the alarms sounded, causing a chaotic evacuation.
- 3. He panicked when he saw the deadline and realized he had forgotten to complete his assignment.

Past Participle
- 1. The room had been panicked by the sudden blackout.
- 2. Panic-stricken messages had been sent out by the residents during the storm.
- 3. By the time help arrived, the crowd had already been panicked by the rumors.
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Bare infinitive
- Habitual Actions. When describing actions that occur regularly or habits.
- Every time he hears a loud noise, he panics.
- General Truths. For stating facts or universal truths.
- People often panic in situations they're not prepared for.
- Scheduled Events (in the near future). Referring to scheduled events, usually in a formal context.
- The fire drill panics the students at 11 AM tomorrow.
Past Simple
- Completed Actions. For actions that were completed at a specific point in the past.
- He panicked when he saw the spider last night.
- Sequences of Actions. To describe a series of completed actions in the past.
- They heard a noise, panicked, and ran away.
- Duration in the Past. To express how long an action lasted, which is already over.
- She panicked for an entire hour during the test.
Past Participle
- Perfect Tenses. Used in perfect tenses to signify completed actions in relation to other time frames.
- Present Perfect. I have never panicked during a presentation.
- Past Perfect. By the time help arrived, we had already panicked.
- Future Perfect. They will have panicked before realizing it's just a drill.
- Passive Voice. To express an action performed upon the subject of the sentence.
- The students were panicked by the sudden alarm.
- Adjectival Use. Sometimes, the Past Participle can be employed adjectivally to describe a state.
- The panicked crowd rushed towards the exits.
Common mistakes
— 01
Regular and Irregular Verbs
A common mistake is treating irregular verbs as if they were regular, applying the -ed ending for both past simple and past participle forms. For instance, the verb 'panic' is a regular verb, so its past simple and past participle form correctly adds -ed to become 'panicked.' However, learners often misapply this rule to irregular verbs. For example, they might incorrectly transform 'go' into 'goed' instead of using the correct forms 'went' (past simple) and 'gone' (past participle).

— 02
Overgeneralizing Patterns
Learners often overgeneralize patterns they have learned, applying them to all verbs. After learning that 'panic' becomes 'panicked,' they might wrongly apply this pattern to irregular verbs, leading to errors like 'teached' instead of 'taught' for the verb 'teach.' This mistake stems from the assumption that the formation of past simple and past participle forms follows a one-size-fits-all rule, ignoring the nuances and exceptions present in the English language.

— 03
Incorrect pronunciation
Given the spelling change from 'panic' to 'panicked,' some learners might be unsure of how to pronounce the past simple and past participle forms correctly. The correct pronunciation is /ˈpæn.ɪkt/, but learners might either retain the original verb's pronunciation pattern without adjusting for the added 'ked' (/ˈpæn.ɪk/) or overemphasize the ending, leading to mispronunciation.

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